Chapter 5

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"Your parents were a very important part of all our lives." Axl took a sip of his coke and then proceeded to talk with his low, raspy voice. "We worked for them. We can't tell you exactly what we do infront of all these people, but we solve codes and stuff like that." Before he could carry on, milkshake boy interupted.
"We are actually cryptanalysts." He stated proudly while smiling.
"Shut the fuck up Steven!" Axl yelled, obviously more fustrated than before as he brought his hands down on the table with an almighty bang. This made Steven jump and the smile drop from his face immediately.
"I was just telling-" He started very quietly.
"No Steven! You weren't just!"
"I thought that-"
"Shut up!" Axl was red in the face.
"But I-"
"Shush!" Steven hung his head low and Axl turned his attention back to me even though I wasn't really listening.
"Sorry about that interuption." He took another quick sip from his can. "Anyway, your grandparents were part of a different group and were trying to take over the American government and they still are. We were trying to stop those sorts of people by decoding their messages to eachother."
"It's actually a really fun job." Slash took a drag of his cigarette and then put it out in the table. It left a little black mark that I stared at.
"Slaaaaaaaaaaash!" Axl screeched.
"What?" Slash held his hands up in defence.
"Are you deaf?"
"What? No." He seemed genuinely confused. I didn't realise that he was looking at me the whole time until he moved his hair from his face and blinked only one eye. I didn't understand why he was acting like a lizard. Was that what normal people did? I tried it out when Axl started speaking again.
It was actually quite hard to close one eye at a time and my face kept scrunching up. I finally got it and tried doing it to Axl a few times.
"Why do you keep winking at me?"
"I'm acting like a lizard. That's what normal people do." I blinked my left eye a few more times before I felt a little dizzy.

Everyone laughed at me. I didn't tell a joke which made me wonder what they were laughing at.

"Aaaaaalriiight. So as I was saying, we decode messages sent from the opposing group. One day, we arrived to a crime scene. Your parents, who were very important government figures, were lying dead on the ground of our headquarters. Long story short, your grandparents had killed your parents! Their own children!"

The sea looked so nice that day. It was actually sunny for once so I decided to go down and paddle my feet. I got up to leave but then felt a tight grip on my wrist. I looked to see Duff. I jerked my wrist from his hand when I felt a strange feeling take over my body.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"To the beach." I replied as if he was stupid. It was such a lovely day and I didn't want to miss this opportunity.
"You can't just get up and leave like that." He looked a little agitated.
"Yes I can." I replied while walking off.
"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for you to go into the world on your own?!" He shouted out after me.
"That's what my grandma always says or used to say before she ditched me along with grandpa." I felt a little sad thinking about it. They just ditched me without reason. Just like my parents.
"When did this happen?" Duff suddenly spoke with obvious panic in his voice.
"Um, like 2 days ago." I didn't know why he was panicking so much.
"Oh my god. You need to come with us right now, Phoebe!" He exclaimed while rushing to me. I was already at the door of the cafe and was just about to leave. The rest of the guys followed swiftly behind.
"I don't have to do anything!" I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned. Since when did I get so rude?
"You don't seem to understand." Duff massaged his temples before continuing on. "You're grandparents killed your parents and now they are out to kill you!" A look of plead swam in his pond coloured eyes.
I started laughing at his absurd statement.
"They're not going to kill me you idiot!" I caught my breath but stopped laughing when I saw the solemn look on everyone else's faces.
"They killed your parents! We know what's going on. You have to trust us. Were you even listening to me?" My eyes darted to Axl who was now speaking in a smooth but anxious tone.
"Um, I was thinking about burgers instead. Sorry." I felt a little guilty for not listening to him but his story was a bit confusing.
"Phoebe." Izzy stared into my eyes deeper than anyone had ever stared before. "You need to come with us. We'll keep you safe."

I almost felt like agreeing to this crazy scheme but then why should I trust 5 crazy men who wanted to take me away?

"No thanks." I blurted out before racing out of the cafe and back home.

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