Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling a little groggy from only eating half a doughnut and a box of ice cream yesterday. I got out of bed and had a quick, cold shower to wake myself up a bit.

I brushed my hair and let it air dry while I picked out some clothes to wear. I finally decided on a cozy green jumper, some ripped denim shorts, a pair of black tights and a grey beanie. I left the beanie until my hair was completely dry to avoid a frizzy mess.

After I had put my minimal makeup on and brushed my teeth, I went to make breakfast. I couldn't decide which cereal to have so I just put them all together. Coco Pops, Fruit loops, Cheerios, Cornflakes and Rice Crispies. I topped it off with half a bottle of chocolate milk and some marshmallows. My grandparents weren't at home so I could do whatever I wanted. I felt free like I did at the beach. That reminded me that it was my day off and I had a whole day free for collecting at the beach.

I finished off my cereal and grabbed my green hand knitted scarf. I knitted it myself. I never went to school becuase my grandparents said that it caused children to get into smoking, drugs and alcohol at an extremely young age. That meant that I had a lot of time on my hands and so I taught myself to knit.

I slipped my beanie on as my hair had dried completely.

I snatched a bucket from the coffee table and made my way to the beach in search for some treasures.
The apartments backed onto the beach so it was only a matter of me walking down 53 steps to get there.
I never wore shoes to the beach because they would just get ruined by the saltwater and the sand.

My bare feet sunk into the cool granules as the water lapped along the shore. I started to walk down the beach while the icy November breeze whipped my hair around, obstructing my vision. That's when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see a man running towards me. I couldn't make out who it was as they were far away and my hair prevented me from being able to see. They continued to call my name as they got closer.
They stopped in front of me and began to pant quite violently. I tucked my hair behind my ear so I could see the person more clearly. When he looked up at me, I recognised him as Duff.
"Oh, hi Duff." I spoke.
"Phoebe- I need- you to come- with me." He spat out fairly sternly in between breaths. I didn't even know him and my grandma always told me to never trust strangers. I don't know what came over me, but I followed him without question.

Duff led me to the cafe at the top of the beach and stopped just outside of it. He looked me in the eye which made me feel very uncomfortable. My eyes wondered around hoping to focus on something other than him.
"Listen to me Phoebe." He glanced into the cafe briefly and then carried on speaking to me softly.
"Some friends and I need to tell you something serious. Just don't worry too much." He gave me a smile and a little nod before opening the door leading into the cafe. I followed him inside and towards a table. I felt extremely nervous about the whole situation but my anxiety stone was in my pocket which made me feel calmer.
I looked up to see a familiar face staring back at me. It was Izzy. I smiled and waved at him and he did the same.
"You guys know eachother?" Duff asked while looking a little jealous.
"Yeah, he helped me get the ice cream at the store." I replied sheepishly, looking down at my feet. I shuffled for a while until Duff told me to sit down. Izzy slid over so I could get into the small booth. I sat down gingerly next to him while all the guys were staring at me in a wierd way.
"Hi." Was all that managed to come out of my dry throat.
"I'm going to get a coffee. Do you want anything?" Duff asked while fumbling with his wallet.
"Could I please just have a plain tea?" I muttered as he began strolling over to the barista.
I turned back to the guys who were still staring at me. One of them with fluffy blonde hair was slurping a chocolate milkshake. It had loads of cream and sprinkles on it which just made my stomach churn even more than it already was.
"Well, let me start off the introductions. I'm Axl Rose." The redhead sitting opposite me finally broke the unpleasant silence. He held his hand out in front of my face with a large grin plastered across his. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stared at him. He looked a little hurt when he dropped his hand to his side and took a swig from a can of coke. The next voice came from a guy with half of his hair covering his face. It was black and very curly. He also wore a cool looking top hat that squished the hair into his eyes even more. He took a really long drag of his cigarette before speaking.
"Slash." Was all he said before blowing the smoke directly into Axl's face.
"What the fuck man?!" He bellowed before playfully slapping Slash. Curly head just laughed. I didn't know what that word meant so I was a little baffled while everyone else chuckled.
Milkshake boy was next to introduce himself.
"I'm Steven Alder and I love rainbows." He hiccuped and took a another loud slurp of his milkshake.
"Shut up Steven!" Axl pushed him on the shoulder which caused him to bash into Izzy. Izzy just tutted.
"It's supposed to be a serious meeting you dick head." Axl huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"You already know that I'm Izzy. Izzy Stradlin." He quietly spoke into my ear while the others were arguing about something.
"And I'm Duff Mckagan with your tea!" Duff announced unexpectedly, making me jump. He came up next to me and slid into the booth before placing a hot mug of tea on the table. The steam warmed my face and I closed my eyes as I appreciated the only source of heat other than the two men I was squished between.
"I think we need to tell Phoebe why she's here today." Duff spoke to the rest of the odd looking men.
"Right. Here goes." Axl started...

Thanks for reading up to this point. All will be explained in the next chapter by our trusty storyteller, Axl Rose!
Goodbye xx

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