Chapter 8

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Just to let you know, the music is going to be really mixed up with dates and stuff in this chapter. I hope you don't mind. I just picked songs that I thought suited the guys.


After Steven had given me a tour of the house including a very detailed, almost examination of his room, we made our way back to the living area.
Slash was still sitting on the sofa drinking his coke and Duff was in the kitchen microwaving something. It smelt really good. However, Izzy was no where to be seen.
I sat down next to slash and the sofa creaked under my weight.

"I've made some buttered popcorn if anybody wants some!"
He brought out a massive bowl full of popcorn and placed it on the coffee table. He had to slide some things onto the floor to make room for it.
Steven knelt down infront of the bowl and grabbed handfuls of the warm, buttery snack, stuffing them into his mouth at a rapid pace. A few bits got stuck in his hair so I picked them out and ate them. It tasted really good but it made me a little thirsty.

"Can I have some of your coke please, Slash?" They all suddenly broke out into a fit of laughter and Steven spat half chewed popcorn everywhere. 
"This isn't coke."
"I'm just really thirsty could I please have some?"
"Sure." Slash laughed again as he handed me the bottle.
It certainly wasn't coke as I could tell from the pungent scent of wood and spices.
I put it to my lips and took a sip.
It had a taste like this clove I ate at Christmas by accident when I was 11. Although it was really spicy, it had a slight sweet taste lurking. I really liked it. I took a few more big gulps before giving the bottle back to Slash and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.
The three of them just stared at me with their mouths open wide. Steven's hand just rested in the popcorn bowl while his eyes looked as if they were going to bulge out of their sockets.
"What?" I was thoroughly confused.
"Well, I've just never seen a girl drink like that before. I'm impressed." Slash couldn't stop grinning at me. He finished off the bottle and then threw it onto the heap of rubbish on the floor.

"Hey. Try some of this." Duff produced a small glass bottle of clear liquid from his jacket pocket.
He handed it to me with a wink.
It looked just like water. I wasn't even thirsty anymore.
I screwed off the top and took a big gulp. That was a huge mistake. I spat out the disgusting liquid all over Steven and choked a little.
"I thought it was water!" I complained to Duff. They all laughed hysterically at me.
Steven left his popcorn and got some paper towels to clean up my mess.
After the mess was cleaned up, Steven jumped up enthusiastically from his spot next to Duff.
"Let's put on some music!"
He skipped over to a black box and opened it up. We actually sold those at the music shop. They were called CD players. He pulled a CD from the shelf and pushed it into the slot. He pressed a button and a sound came from the box. It was so beautiful. The gentle noise made me feel so calm and happy.
A man's voice suddenly sounded along to the tune. It was smooth and mellow; a perfect combination. I seemed to block out my surroundings as I closed my eyes and focused on the inviting melody. My body involuntarily swayed along to the beat and my fingers twitched.
My chest started to constrict as my eyes stung. It made me feel sadness and happiness at the same time; almost like a loss and a gain. Something I had never experienced before.
The sound faded out and I felt very overwhelmed by the powerful experience.
"What was that?" I asked to no one in particular.
"Oh that was Oasis. It's one of my favourite bands. How have you never listened to them before?!"
Steven seemed shocked that I didn't know what it was.
"Well, I've just never been allowed to do that before."
"Don't you work at a music shop though?" Duff questioned.
"Yes but they never play any music like that." I went over to the CD player and chose a disk that had an interesting design on it. It had a strange looking face with red eyes and a clock on it. The title said "System of a Down". I pushed the button and put the CD in just like Steven had done. It took a while to start so I twiddled with one of the knobs. Suddenly the loudest noise imaginable burst through the room causing everyone to cover their ears and shout. I fell to the floor and curled up into a ball before the noise abruptly stopped. Steven had managed to pause song.
"You turned the volume up too much!"
"I'm sorry." My ears still hurt but I got up and went to sit down with Duff.
I asked Steven if he could put it on again so he pressed the button and managed to turn the volume down. The sound was very different this time. It was heavy and more confusing. I liked it.
"This is one of my favourite songs." Slash poinyted out and started wiggling in his seat.
"It's called B.Y.O.B."
"What does that mean?" I didn't recognise the word.
"I don't fucking know."
Everyone started to sing along and dance which made me want to get up and move. After a while we were all jumping around and having a great time.

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