Chapter 3

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I decided to go home even though I was still supposed to be working seeing as no one else had come in the past 2 hours. I locked up the cash register and turned all the lights off. I grabbed my bag and stuffed the paper that Duff had written on in it. I locked up and proceeded to walk home. I hoped that my grandparents would be home because they would never go anywhere without telling me.

I got a little worried when I saw that their car wasn't in the parking lot. I rushed up the stairs and flung the door open. I chucked my bag onto the coffee table and started looking around the cramped apartment.
"Grandma?!" I opened the door that led to their bedroom. It was pristine.
"Grandpa?!" I looked in the bathroom, the utility cupboard, my bedroom and all the wardrobes. They were nowhere to be found.
I decided to call them on the landline phone because I wasn't allowed my own mobile. I typed in their number that they had stuck on the wall by the landline and held the phone to my ear. The phone was silent and I was hoping that it would start ringing. It rung twice and then got disconnected. There was no voice mail so I decided to call again. It rung once and then got disconnected just like the previous time. It was as if they didn't want to talk to me and kept declining every time I called.

I decided to take my mind off the situation by making something to eat. I went over to the kitchen and got all the ingredients out to make blueberry and banana pancakes. I used to always make these with my grandma when I was younger and would always have them with ice cream. I went to the freezer to get the ice cream out so it could soften while I made the pancakes, but realised that there wasn't any.

I had never been to a supermarket by myself before but I supposed that if I wanted pancakes with ice cream, I needed to get some ice cream. I got $10 from my bedroom drawer and put it into my bag along with a spare hair tie, a pocket mirror and some lip balm. I wasn't really sure what you needed for grocery shopping so I just stuffed some things in there. I slipped my boots on for the third time that day and unlocked the door.
It was raining really bad outside so I sprinted to the store which was 15 minutes from the apartment. It took me half the time when I sprinted though. It wasn't a huge store and I had been going since I was a baby so I knew where everything was. I made a beeline to the back where the freezers were. One of the freezers was full of ice cream so I inspected it for a while until settling on my favourite: pumpkin and cinnamon.

I tried to reach it but I was too short. I stood on the ledge of the freezer but still, I couldn't reach it. I hadn't noticed someone sneak up behind me.
"Would you like some help?" The stranger asked quietly to the back of my head. Surprised, I whipped my head around to see a scruffy man with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a white shirt with the first 3 buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. He wore a black open waistcoat on top of that and a black newsboy cap. He also had a silver nose ring and greasy black hair. His outfit was interesting and nothing like I had ever seen before. I didn't expect that he worked there though. I was not one to judge people by their clothing so I allowed him to help me.
"Yes please. Could you reach the pumpkin and cinnamon ice cream from the top." I bleated while standing back so he could get to the freezer.
"That's one wierd-ass flavour." He strained to speak while reaching for it. He handed it to me with a shy smile.
"Thank you, Sir."
"Call me Izzy." He replied in a calm tone.
Before I had time to thank him again, he had vanished.

I finally felt more independent without my grandparents. Maybe them being gone was for the good.

I got back to the apartment and put the ice cream in the freezer becuase it was starting to melt. I got started on whipping up the pancake mixture and in a matter of seconds I had them cooking in the pan. Seeing as we didn't have a TV like all normal people did becuase apparently it put bad and unrealistic images in your head according to my grandma, I decided to do some drawing. I got out my drawing pad and a pencil and sat down on the sofa. I started to draw someone. I wasn't sure who it was but I just allowed my hand to do its thing. Before I realised who it was, I smelt burning. Oh no! I rushed to the cooker to find black and crusty "pancakes" stuck at the bottom of the pan.
"Well that's my dinner gone!" I thought out loud to myself. I scraped the pancake ashes from the bottom of the pan and washed it up before getting the ice cream from the freezer and digging in with a spoon. I sat back down on the sofa and carried on with my sketch.

After a while, I realised that I was drawing Duff. I'd only met him that day and I was already subconsciously drawing him. Wow Phoebe.

Once I finished the drawing and the whole box of ice cream, I decided to go to bed becuase it was already way past my bedtime. I brushed my teeth and my hair so it was free of any tangles as I usually did. Before I went to sleep I stuck the drawing of Duff above my bed and then closed my eyes; peacefully falling into a deep slumber.

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