Chapter 2

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After finding a few treasures on the beach, I walked back to my apartment to change into something a bit cleaner for work.

When I opened the door, the warm air hugged me tightly in a comforting way after the cool beach breeze had attacked my pale skin. I set my bag down on the table and walked to my room.

I opened my wardrobe and pulled out a plain black top and some ripped black jeans. My wardrobe consisted of mainly black clothing and a few multicoloured flannels. I slipped a red and black flannel on and left the buttons undone to give my outfit a little bit of colour. I then walked to the bathroom and sighed at my hair. It was long. Very long. Ever since I was 12 I had been dying it rich, deep reds and things hadn't changed in almost 5 years.
I put my mane into a high ponytail, letting the waves and curls cascade down my back. I liked to keep it natural most of the time.

When I realised what the time was, I finished my look off with a lick of mascara to bring out my green eyes and a smudge of lip balm. I pulled on my black boots and grabbed my bag, saying goodbye to my grandparents on my way out. That's when I realised that they weren't there. I didn't panic too much as I expected that they went out to get some groceries and would be back when I got home.

I worked in the music shop just down the road from the apartment so I only had to walk for a few minutes to get there. On my way, I went to the bakery and picked up a fresh chocolate filled doughnut like I did every Tuesday and Thursday.

After about 5 minutes, I had made it to the music shop. It was only me working that day so I could do whatever I wanted. I set my bag down at the desk and started fixing up the magazine display when someone walked in. I looked up to see a fairly tall dude with shaggy blonde hair. It had obviously been bleached at home and he had done a pretty bad job at it. He was wearing a black muscle tee with a white skull on it and a washed out denim jacket. He was also wearing some really tight leather pants and a pair of black cowboy boots. While he was looking at the CD's, he took out a cigarette and lit it. A puff of smoke floated around until vanishing into the air as he brought the stick to his mouth. I then remembered that it was a no smoking area.

"Excuse me." I mumbled to the stranger. He turned around and took off his sunglasses revealing his hazel orbs. He took another drag of his cigarette as I got lost in his eyes.

"Um your not allowed to smoke in here, Sir." I managed to spit out after a while.
He simply crumpled up the cigarette and flicked it away. I watched in awe as he sauntered over to the front desk that I was sitting at after finishing sorting the magazines. I was fairly short, so he towered over me especially as I was sitting down.

"Sorry about that." His voice was low and a little raspy. He leaned his hands on the desk and looked into my eyes. I quickly diverted my gaze to the doughnut that was sitting next to the cash register.

"Don't worry. You weren't to know." I quietly spoke as I started to unwrap the doughnut from the paper bag.

"No, no. I come here often so I should've thought about that." He began explaining but he didn't need to; it wasn't such a big deal.

"I've never seen you here before." I stated as I took a bite from the doughnut. I was feeling a little more comfortable with him around me now that he had spoken.

"I don't usually come here on Tuesdays. I've got something really important tomorrow so I can't come in." He sighed as he watched me eat my doughnut. I was getting full so I put it down onto the paper bag that it came in.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked seeing as he was just akwardly standing at the desk.

"Oh yeah-" He snapped back to reality after staring at nothing for a while. "Do you have any bass strings?"

"Yeah we just got them in this morning. I'll go to the back and get you some." I walked to the door and disappeared into the storage room. They were pretty easy to find as the box was labelled "BASS STRINGS". I took a few different packets with me and went back into the main store area to find the man with chocolate around his mouth. When he saw me coming, he blushed and licked his fingers.

"I'm so sorry. I was really hungry and it looked so nice."
I just laughed and placed the strings on the desk.
"It's OK. I didn't want the rest anyway." I laughed again.

"I wasn't sure which type you wanted so I got all three."
"I'll take these ones, thanks" He picked up the set of four stainless steel strings and handed them to me so I could see the price. Our fingers brushed lightly and we both awkwardly looked down as I began typing the price into the cash register.
"$26.99 please." I watched him fumble with his wallet and produce a 20 and 10 dollar bill. He handed them to me; this time without our fingers touching.

"So, I guess you play bass?" I asked even though it was probably an obvious question.
"Yeah. It's just a hobby though." He replied while scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm Duff Mckagan by the way." He gave me a little smile. My heart fluttered which was something I had never experienced before. It felt magical and I think I liked it.
"My name is Phoebe Rain." I smiled back at him. However, his face completely dropped. He looked frightened. Grabbbing a pen from the pot, he scribbled his number down on the sugar covered paper bag as quickly as possible and then sped to the door, grabbing the strings on the way out.
"You forgot your change!" I shouted out after him.
"Keep it!" He was gone. Just like that.

Hello again. All will become clear soon! I hope you like it so far! Xxx

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