Stalking Lessons

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Simba bounced forward and waved his tail. "Are you coming dad," called Simbas as he reared on his hind legs before toppling over and landing on his back.

"I'm coming," Mufasa howled as he bounded forward and leaped over Simba. Simba rushed to his paws and waved his tail in excitement.

"Watch me," he growled as he took a gentle step forward with his haunch facing the sun. He leaped but landed crooked and fell flat on his underbelly. He looked up sheepishly and his eyes flickered. "Oops."

"It's alright," assured Mufasa as he picked up Simba by the scruff and set him down gently. "Just try to keep your paws even and then leap."

Simba nodded and puffed out his fur. "One day I'm going to catch a gazelle!"

"Well first you should know your territory," Mufasa pointed out. "Tomorrow get up right at dawn and I'll show you all of our territory."

"Really," asked Simba as his eyes gleamed.

"Really," Mufasa echoed. "Your getting old enough now that you should know your territory. It will be yours one day you know." He lowered his head and nuzzled his fur with his nose.

"I know," breathed Simba as he puffed out his chest in pride. "I'm excited to learn about leading a pride a lion when I'm older."

Mufasa's eyes shone. He realized how much his son had grown up. He knew he was ready to learn all of the territory he could explore. "You'll be a great king one day Simba."

"Thanks dad," purred Simba as he leaped onto Mufasa's shoulders and pressed onto Mufasa's neck. He growled like he was fighting for territory. "I promise to make you proud."

"I know Simba. I know."

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