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Feel So Close

1000 Years Ago

"Elizabeth Saffron, you are the most angelic girl in the village." Kol told the girl in front of him as she planted some Saffron flowers in the woods.

"Kol Mikaelson, such a sweetheart. Such a shame your brother is the complete opposite." She spoke softly, caressing Kol's hand with gratitude. Kol rolled his eyes at the mention of his brother Niklaus.

"Besides that Kol, I am an angel and you are the devil. It is forbidden." She let Kol's hand fall as she placed more Saffron's in the ground. "That is what makes it all the more exciting, darling." Kol soothed, pulling her long blonde hair back as she got her hands dirty. Elizabeth Saffron was a Saffron girl, the purest soul to ever walk the Earth. They only occur every 100th daughter and are extremely rare. They were a form of angels that walked the Earth rather than up in the sky, the most beautiful creatures of this Earth. Kol Mikaelson was an original vampire, the most demonic creature to walk this Earth. Them being together as one was extremely forbidden and Elizabeth would be banished from Crete if they were to ever be caught.

"That feeling you get every time we kiss, love. That's adrenaline, I know you love it, darling." Kol's risky words whispered into her ear as the butterflies erupted in her stomach. She was deeply in love with Kol and the thought of them being apart brought tears to her eyes.

"You speak as if this is just a fling Kol. This means a lot to me Kol and I do not intend to be caught, so tell that brother of yours. Niklaus. To swear of his secrecy about us." I warned, dusting my hands of the dirt. Kol rolled his eyes of my anxiety of being caught.

"You speak as if I am some dirty secret, Elizabeth. You do not understand how much I love you, I love you so much that it consumes me. I will not get caught, I will see no harm to you." Kol promised, embracing Elizabeth in his arms. Kol was thrown violently away from Elizabeth against a tree and held there as a group of witches approached chanting things in latin. There palms outstretched, fear was evident in Elizabeth eyes. Kol squirmed and shouted as they chanted louder as they approached, all he wanted to do was hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

"No! No! Let me down!" Kol roared as Elizabeth tried to back away from these witches but she was glued to the floor. Elizabeth collapsed to the floor and the spell finished. The witches dragged her away through the woods, right through the Saffron flowers that Elizabeth had just planted and Kol slumped down the tree after they were long gone. Kol knew where they were taking her, to lock up the chamber of forbidden items. There had been rumours that the witches in Crete were going to lock up the forbidden items they had required but needed someone to sacrifice to seal it shut. Someone rare that no one would come across again, a saffron girl fit perfectly into the equation, something which Elizabeth and Kol both knew but never brought it up with each other. Kol ran through the woods, despite his vampire speed he felt as if he wasn't going fast enough. His legs carried him through and down the rock pools where a cave lead to a small chamber that no one knew about but the Mikaelson's and the witches. He reached the cave to find Elizabeth held in the small chamber. He attempted to dash in but was stopped by a magical barrier on the chamber leaving him to watch.

"No! Please don't do this to her." Kol begged, salty tears rolling down his cheeks as Elizabeth screamed for help also with tears rolling down her cheeks. Chanting in Latin, the witch cut Elizabeth's palm, crimson blood oozing out of the gash and placed it on the stone door of the chamber. Wind howled around the chamber as Kol smacked on the barrier, shouting profanities and random screams for help. Elizabeth's face began to pale as her soul was sucked out of her body to lock up the chamber hopefully for good. Kol's voice was hoarse from screaming and shouting but he didn't care, he just wanted to save Elizabeth. His epic love, his first love and his only love.

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