chapter 2: face down :* brendon urie

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He was leaning in slowly getting closer to my face with his he stopped just cenemeters away as I looked up to meet his eyes our eyelashes brushed against each others. He gently pressed his lips to mine I felt like I was spiraling down the rabbit hole and then he slowly pulled away and I opened my eyes to meet his. I tried to speak but no sound came out his soft eyes drifted back down to my lips and I blushed. "wow I'm so sorry I dont know what came over me" he said breaking the spell we were both under. I felt lightheaded and managed to get out "its ok..."  "did you feel like we were..oh nevermind its probably from lack of oxygen..." He said shaking his head . 

I looked at my phone 30 mins had passed there is no way... "well i should go get my stuff ready if i wana make that flight..." I said starting to climb down he followed.  We were silent the whole way until he looked over at me and then grabbed my trembling hand and pulled me close to him it made me feel safe and strong. I smiled and we aproached the door I put my key in to find it unlocked. I walked in not letting go of his hand I lead him behind me until we got to the bedroom door. I heard the worst thing I could have ever heard.

Brendons P.O.V

I heard the moaning her hand gripped mine tighter I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. She slowly opened the door and what we thought we would see was not half as bad as what we saw. There were three girls and the man I am assuming to be her ex, he looked over and just smirked at her then scowled at me. She turned to run I thought but instead she just hugged me hiding her face in my chest I leaned down and said "where is your stuff" she told me and I said " you stay out here I will get it all and what we dont get I'm sure pete will have someone come get ok?" she nodded I went in and shut the door he got up and stood in my way saying  " sorry prick if she wants it she has to come in here.."

I punched him in the mouth and he fell back on the bed bleeding and told the girls to leave. he stood back up I stopped gathering her clothes and turned to him and said in my calm angry voice " you need to sit your ass back down and let me get her stuff so you dont get fucked up any worse" he sat back down I got everything I could minus the large items and called a moving service to come tommorrow morning to get the rest. He was sitting watching me the whole time I heard her sobs in the hallways. I looked at him and asked"why?" he shrugged "I got bored"  I stiffled my anger and grbbed the suitcase of clothes went out in the hallway got her back on her feet grabbed her hand and got her to my hotel .

* sorry it was so short idk where to take it....*  

**help is apreciated**

<3Matters of the heart<3  :* Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now