Chapter 12: unconditionally ;* Brendon Urie

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Brendon's p.o.v

We all shuffled up to Pete's office and she sat on the desk looking like a model waiting for a stop Brendon your just friends..... Pete said " This guys a bad influence on you, he needs to go.. Brendon agrees. right, bden?" Oh fuck. I shake my head no and mumble " she is old enough to make her own choices"

I walked out of his office I'm not getting dragged into the middle of this. I hear yelling and things being thrown. I made my way to a very angry Bronx giving Andrew the third degree. I study Andrew and notice how similar we look just like the other guys she has dated maybe its just a coincidence. Andrew whispered something to Bronx and Bronx slapped him and stomped over to me and said " he just said that he....

Dezaraye's p.o.v

I was sick of Pete trying to run my life so I said " Fine, I will move in with him.." and stomped out of the office right into Andrew's chest " Babe we gotta go now you can live with me get your stuff" he said grabbing my shoulders. I nodded and shoved everything in a bag and we managed to get out before Pete and Brendon had figured out what was going down.

We got to Andrew's apartment and I had 20 texts from Pete, Brendon, and Bronx from his tablet thing. I sighed and walked into the bedroom and then walked right back out. Then yelled " ANDREW LEE POTTS......GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" He came running up the stairs "what love!?"

I shot back putting my hands on my hips" care to explain the woman in your fucking bed....." His face dropped and he said under his breath" shit she was supposed to be back in London...." I shook my head threw my hands in the air grabbed my bag and walked out of his apartment.

I am so sick of this shit I swear to god I thought to myself while ignoring his calls and waiting for a taxi.

I texted Brendon: get to your house I'm coming over don't tell Pete ....I need my brenny boo bear :(.

He replied immediately: you got it doll what kinda icecream you want and what scary movie you want???:/.

I sent back: this is why I love you...:/ and pumpkin pie ice cream and hostel... please

Brendon sent: see you soon love :*

I sent a quick: :* see ya soon babes

then the taxi pulled up I texted Bronx's little tablet thing saying I was ok and that Andrew guy was a meanie head and not to let Pete know he was right...

The cab pulled up to Brendon's house he wasn't back yet and probably wouldn't be for at least an hour so I used my key and walked into a trashed house. I sighed and threw my bags down well might as well use this energy to clean.

*hour later*

I face planted on the couch panting as I heard the door open. I jumped up and ran over to the door hugging Brendon he dropped the groceries and picked me up holding me close and tight. " I'm sorry again..." I whispered into his ear and I swear he shivered. " it's not your fault baby doll guys are assholes.. well except for me and Pete.." he laughed into my shoulder. He put me down and kissed my forehead before gathering the bags off the floor and taking them to the kitchen.

"That seems like a lot of bags for icecream and a movie" I said hopping up and sitting on the counter. " well they were all out of pumpkin pie ice cream so I bought a pumpkin pie and an ice cream maker and some other staples I needed." he said unloading the bags. " oh brenny you didn't have to do that..." i said before grabbing his bicep and pulling over to me and hugging him again. We pulled apart from the hug and I licked my lips and let my gaze drop from his eyes to his lips and then back up.

We both leaned in and stopped centimeters apart from each other I couldn't take it anymore I connected our lips and he deepened it felt like only seconds went by with that familiar feeling of falling down forever. We pulled apart but I bit his bottom lip as I pulled away and then let go of his lip saying " damn Brendon that was so different..." "from what?" he said voice shaking a little like mine. " everyone else I have ever kissed" I sighed " same here doll" he tilted my chin up and caressed my cheek.

We both jumped and as the doorbell broke our silence and eye contact.

** well thanks to lack of feedback on that last chapter I made him like the other guys but good news her and Brendon may be finally getting together...lets try this again please comment and vote ANY ideas or criticisms are welcome and as always sorry for taking so long to update I had horrible writers block and yeah thanks for reading ! forgive all grammar and spelling it's 2;30 AM AND I CANT SLEEP SO IM WRITING IN THE DARK..**

<3Matters of the heart<3  :* Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now