Chapter 10: nearly witches ;* Brendon urie

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** i have decided to only give her boy friends one chapter a piece.. oh and thanks for all the comments on who she should date next...sarcasm...** 

Dezaraye's p.o.v

* two months ago*

I was walking through the streets of downtown albacraycray ( spelled wrong: Albuquerque) I smelled weed when I passed an alleyway. I coughed and sped up realizing while I was lost in my thoughts I had wondered into a rough part of town. " Damn mami nice ass ..." I heard from behind me...great.... I turned and saw a guy with spiky hair and brown eyes that made we weak in the knees. " umm hey?" I stuttered out crossing my arms.

He walked closer and he reeked of weed and chocolate axe " A sexy little thing like you shouldn't be in these parts alone"  " yeah I was just uh walking and thinking and yeah I should probably go find my brother and his friend I'm here with uh later" I said and turned to walk and or run away when he grabbed my arm and turned me around but he was right up against me this time " let me give you a ride baby girl it's far too dangerous out here.. " he said before motioning to a yellow Lamborghini. I couldn't speak for some reason he was warm and I felt right him half holding me like this so I just nodded.

*present day* 

I finished the story of how we met sitting on David's lap smiling big at Pete and Brendon. neither of which looked amused or happy. David grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear with his sexy growl that drove me crazy "  I will be back later babe I gotta record some vocals for a friend" I nodded how does he turn me into a mute so easily... he left and then the questions started.

Pete's questions:

how old is he?     Answer: 27

where does he live?      Answer: Albuquerque New Mexico

what does he do for money?       A: He is in a hip hop group called Brokencyde

where did he get that car?      A: a dealership

why do you both smell like weed?      A: because we lit one up on the way over here cause you scare him...

Pete looked pissed and stomped off to call his private eye to do some background checks and other bull shit.. I wish he would just trust me.

Brendon's questions: 

does he respect your wishes?     A: yes he treats me like a queen...

does he ever act suspicious or shady?      A: not that I have noticed...

does he make you happy?       A: more than anything else ever has

is he going to move here or will this be a long distance thing?      A: * looks at my feet as Pete walks in saying" answer it Dezaraye"* he asked me to move in with him...

last question do you love him?        A: yes with all I have

They both got up and left the room I swore I saw tears from both of them. I went up to my room and started packing my stuff. About two hours later I heard a knock at the door  "come in" . In walked a very nervous looking Pete and a very pissed looking Brendon followed by a very guilty looking David. Oh shit...

They all sat on the edge of the bed looking at me I smiled at David he just looked at the ground. my heart shattered I knew what was about to happen. I listened to Pete tell me he had proof that David was cheating then Brendon muttering threats to him then David's apology speech. I stood up and they all asked if I was okay and if anyone was home I must have had a blank stare.

I full out ran out of the house and ran and didn't stop running I cried and ran and screamed and then when I couldn't breathe or run anymore I fell to my knees and sobbed then looked up to see where I was and I ended up at Brendon's house... holy shit I just ran for 2 hours and why his house? I saw his car in the driveway he must have gone home after I left.

I barely had enough strength left to walk up to the door and knock. He opened it looking flustered and his eyes were red and puffy and he had a busted knuckle he was on the phone so he said " what?!" then looked up and said" she's here" and hung up pulling me into a hug and kissing my face avoiding my lips telling me how worried he was he pulled back taking my face in his hands and looking me in the eyes.

He kissed me on the lips softly but quickly gaining passion I kissed back wanting the kiss never to end and the familiar feeling came back,  falling down the rabbit hole only this time my knees were already weak I started slipping down. He pulled me back up never breaking the kiss and picked me up carrying to the couch. he sat down holding me in his lap and then broke the kiss I sighed and got lost in his chocolate eyes. 

Brendon's p.o.v 

That asshole was cheating on her and she had fallen in love again. We went and got him Pete keeping him away from me was smart I wanted to kill his ass. She looked like a porcelain doll as we told her with no emotions at all. David apologized and Pete tried to make the anybody home joke. She was gonna bolt I knew it she looked down at the running shoes on her feet and took off.

David stood up and yelled after her Pete put his face in his hands I stood up and David walked Infront of me putting a hand on my shoulder " I got this she wants to see if I will go after her she still wants me" he said with a smirk. Pete looked up and said " bden don't..." but I was already mid-swing. I knocked his ass to the floor and told Pete I was going to go look and to stay here in case she came back.

He nodded and I drove to all the escapes I had shown her out here. Two hours later I went home I needed to eat and rest before I went back out I called Pete he hadn't heard from her either.  I heard a weak knock damn it who is here right now I swear. I opened the door " what?!" I looked up it was her " she's here." I told Pete then hung up. I grabbed her and hugged her and kissed her whole face but not her lips I don't wanna take advantage of this situation. 

I pulled away and was examining her face when our eyes connected next thing I know we are kissing and that rabbit hole effect took over she started slipping I pulled her back up then brought her to the couch sitting down and keeping her on my lap. When we finally pulled away she was just staring into my eyes. " I love you" 

** well guys there ya go find who said it next chapter and yeah i will add a pic of david aka se7en or sev from brokencyde as if you liked it please vote or comment i am runing out of ideas on how to get them together but she has e few more twists ;) thank you for reading**

<3Matters of the heart<3  :* Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now