Thirty Four

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He was quiet on the way to Nathan's and that was fine; I had no desire to hold a conversation over the constantly droning GPS. There were several cars in the driveway and along the side street where the directions sent us so I assumed we were in the right place.

"I don't have any food in my fridge."

He hadn't said anything since we'd left the apartment. Where had that come from? "There will be food here. I would have gotten you a snack before we left if you'd asked."

"No, that's not it. YOU have food. You just moved a few weeks ago and you have groceries. I don't. Because guess what? It doesn't keep long enough for me to eat it. And it's not like I'm home long enough to have time to go to the store. All those lessons and I haven't cooked anything in weeks."

There was nothing I could do about that. I could feed him well while he was here but I had very little control over his schedule. I'd been as flexible as I could. I could call Nathan to cancel and take him to dinner or back to the apartment and cook something. "Do you need to have dinner?"

"NO!" He smacked his palm against the dashboard. "Shit, sorry. That's SO not the point. Let's just go in." He got out of the car without waiting for me to open the door but there was no way I was going to let him go into a new house alone no matter how much I wanted to sit here or simply turn around and leave. I got out and caught up to him before he reached the front door. "I'm sorry Sir, I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. I'm being awful. I'll try to behave myself, I'm just not sure if I'm capable right now."

I put my hand on his shoulder to try to reassure him and pressed the buzzer. "Just be polite."

"I'm just in a mood. I'll be fine."

That was reassuring if it was true and Christopher and I had been through enough that I would trust him.  "Good." A young man opened the door and smiled widely at us.

"Come in, come in. You must be Gregory and Chris?" I nodded and escorted Christopher inside. Nathan came up to us then and gave us the basic instructions and went over the schedule. I'd done house parties years ago and the rules were basically the same. I took Christopher to the kitchen for some food as soon as I could politely do so because I didn't think it could hurt anything to get some sugar into his system.

The atmosphere was very relaxed. These were definitely mostly part-timers and people who had read 50 shades and decided that they liked being spanked. We attracted attention because Christopher and I were obviously not that. Most of the other 'Doms' in the room probably hadn't seen a real sub before and several were quite covetous. It was a rather odd mix of people and not what I had expected.

Christopher, however, seemed much calmer and relaxed once we had been introduced and he had food in his hands. He was polite when spoken to and quiet otherwise, seemingly content to stand near me. It wasn't until the 'act' had arrived and went into another room to prepare that things got tense. I sat down, expecting him to sit at my feet and he looked around as if a chair would magically appear.   Granted, everyone else were in chairs but he knew what I expected and it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for us.

"Need a chair, Chris?" Nathan asked.

"No, he doesn't." I wished he had a lead because I would have used it. Luckily my tone of voice worked and he kneeled. When he was looking my way I tapped my belt.

"Is that a threat?"

"No, it's a promise and it's up to you. If you choose to continue to misbehave I will certainly use it. Likewise, I'm just as happy to play in other ways once we're home if you can get your act together." It was in his hands now. He knew I was willing and capable of giving him anything and everything he needed and I wouldn't even make him beg for it.

People nearby had listened to our exchange and I was nervous for his response, not that I really expected a verbal one. My self worth didn't exactly hinge on what these people thought of me but the fact was that we were part of a small community and it was always best to get off on the right foot.

"None of us would mind watching that show" Nathan joked, taking some of the attention off of us. "Now, I think Vic and Timothy are ready if we are."

Christopher leaned his head on my leg and I allowed it. I rested my hand against his head and played with his hair, hoping it was the right thing to do. The show was better than I had feared given current company. Of course, it's always been obvious to me that people are comfortable watching things they would never do and it's no different for people in the life.

When his hand slipped up towards my thigh and then slipped around behind me, wedging itself between my ass and the back of the chair, I tugged at his hair.  No, this wasn't okay for a million reasons.  I didn't want the entire sub population of San Diego thinking I was allowed to be touched nor had he asked permission.  I wouldn't have granted it even if he HAD asked.  He refused to lift his head though, accepting the pull.  I couldn't stand and disrupt the show and he knew that.

As soon as the performing boy was being taken care of I stood, practically stepping over Christopher to get to Nathan to say good-bye.  It wasn't polite really, leaving right after the show but I was going to cause much more of a scene if I stayed any longer.  Sometimes there is no good solution, simply one that is easier.

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