An Introduction

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Dear Reader,

I most sincerely hopes this finds you well. I'm currently sat by the window, pondering who you might be, what kind of day you've had, and perhaps if you'll stick around for a moment. If you're new to No Matter What, I'd like to officially say hello and welcome. If you are an old time fan, hello again ol' friend :)

No Matter What began as an effort to find a little bit of joy in a dark and sad time of my life. I've come to love it quite deeply, even though I'm very aware of its rough edges. I love love, and this silly little story allowed me to remember all of the beautiful shades of happiness that love can bring. As such, I'd love to share that I am reviving NMW, but a sort of second edition version (or at least that's what I've titled it in my google drive lol). Some things might change only a little, others might change a lot. I hope to keep you all intrigued in this adventure and another chance to sit with these characters again.

I'll be updating every few days or so, so I hope to hear from you soon. Likes are appreciated, comments are addicting to read, and messages are incredibly fun! Please feel free to send any of the previous this way and I'll be sure to send you back some love <3

Thank you all for your kindness.

Warmest Regards,


No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now