Chapter Forty-Seven

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Harry's P.O.V

Turning back towards the life of the fair, I tuck away my smile. I'm well aware I'm on thin ice. I mean, hell, Hazel's scowl from when I walked up with Kitty just about put me in my grave. And even now, after explaining how this is truthfully all one big mistake, I know that she could only fancy me a proper nitwit at best.

But I'll be damned, even with her mad as hell with me, I'm about as giddy as a kid on Christmas. See, Hazel's a pretty easygoing gal all in all, and I love that about her, but every now and then she get's all fired up. It's like she's Joe Louis or somethin', ready to swing at whatever is in her way. Half the time it's just plain funny to watch her get in a tizzy. I mean, I could barely keep from laughing as I watched her face react to her Grandmother's rude friend at the party last week. I thought she might actually throw a soup spoon at the nasty old woman for pete's sake. Now, that would have really would have done me in. Her frustration is hilarious to me and I can't help that she's just too damn cute.

The other half of the time, though, is different. It's not just funny- it's wildly interesting and exciting. When she gets all riled up, it's because it's over something she really cares about and every time I learn something new about her, it sends a rush through my body like you wouldn't believe. I constantly crave knowing more about her. What makes her tick? What does she love? What does she hate?

What does she think about me?


I glance down to find Hazel's golden eyes studying me carefully. It makes me nervous and excited all at once. I clear my throat to avoid the squeaky voice that threatens to come out. "Mm hm?"

"What are you thinking about, darling?" she asks, her warm voice thawing the cold air of the tiny alley way.

"Nothin' really," I say.

Hazel bats away my lie with her lashes as her eyes flicker forward in disbelief. I chuckle a little and without thinking, take ahold of her hand. Hazel's gaze stays locked ahead, but her mouth twists into the most delightful smile making it impossible for me to hide my own.

So, we walk quietly, hand in hand, with two goofy grins on our faces for the remainder of the little path. Between the pounding of my heart and the way the two buildings around us dampen the sound of the fair, the charming laughter of the crowd sounds as if it could be a million miles away. 

I become so focused on the splendid way that Hazel's fingers fit in between mine, that it comes as a small shock when Hazel stops in her tracks. I look up to see a forlorn Hazel staring out at the crowd from the edge of the alley way. As my gaze travels down to our intertwined hands, I understand why.

I let out a heavy sigh as my other hand flies up to my temple. I know I've gone and made a really mess of tonight, but I just don't want to muck up with my chance with this gal. I mean, Mr. Williams is a respectable man and all, but he'd for sure be done with me if he knew I was running around with his granddaughter without his permission. Although... the lads already know and would the girls really care?

I wince instantly knowing the answer. Kitty and the girls are just about the most fickle things on the planet, and if it served them, you betcha they'd be gossiping to anyone, anywhere about it.

"Are we friends?"

"What?" I ask, confused not only by my interrupted train of thought, but the choice of Hazel's words.

"I mean," she says hesitantly, "Is it okay that we're friends, tonight? I know we shouldn't be...  familiar with each other," she says carefully, looking down at her feet bashfully, "but is it alright if I'm still your friend when we're around your friends?"

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now