Chapter 2

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I woke up feeling a little light headed. I stood up and went to the bathroom, staring myself at the mirror. My eyes are puffy, it's almost like I couldn't open them. That's how much I cried last night. I thought he would call or text but he never did. What a fucking asshole. About the texts I've been receiving, I decided to ignore it. It was probably one of my friends who likes pranking me but it still creeped me out. Luckily, there was no school today because I don't like anyone seeing me a mess. I walked down, smelling bacon and eggs being cooked in the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo, you're awake." My older brother Chris greeted me and I just smiled at him. He just finished college and we're usually the ones only here in the house since our parents are always in business trips. I barely even see them but they always call. It's good that they haven't still forgotten about us.

"Why are your eyes all puffy?" He asked, turning off the stove and setting the bacon and eggs on a plate. I just shook my head and started eating.

"Is it Jason? I'm really gonna beat his a-"
"Chris." I cut him off. "Leave it." He nodded his head and we just started eating. My phone vibrated and it was a message from Jason.

"Let's meet at the park and talk. I'm sorry about last night. 8pm."  I sighed and agreed to meet up with him.

Ethan's POV

Present day..

"What the hell, Ethan. You said you won't kidnap her until next week." Grayson, my twin brother complained.
"Well I've waited for long enough! It's been 2 years since I've imprinted on her!" I threw the bottle of beer across the room and tugged my hair out of frustration.
"Okay woah. Chill the fuck out guys." Kian said, sitting next to me. "Is this why you made us drive all the way here? Because you were already going to kidnap her?"
I nodded and breathed heavily.
"Take your goddamn pills will you?" Jc threw me my bottle of pills. It's something I take to calm me down. Yes, I have anger issues. But I won't need these anymore when I finally have Kirsty with me. I used to stopped using these when Chloe was with me. Just thinking about her name sends so much memories I want to forget. But when I saw Kirsty, I imprinted on her. I started to forget the pain I had with Chloe. I love Kirsty so much and I just hope she'll learn to love me.. It didn't work for Chloe but I just hope it works with Kirsty because I can't have the same kind of pain all over again. It seems unfair that the gang has now their own girls and has worked perfectly. Is this what I get for being the worst criminal?


I couldn't believe my eyes. He just pulled her hair, he fucking did that in public. My anger is at its boiling point, just seeing Kirsty cry like that and her piece of shit of a boyfriend don't give a flying ass fuck.
"I'm gonna fucking shoot him right now." I put out my gun but Grayson stopped me.
"You can't. Not in front of her." Gray's right though. I don't want my girl traumatized like that. But she has to accept who I am sooner or later.

They started driving and so I followed them. I attached a tracker and recorder to that jackass Jason's car a few years back when I imprinted on Kirsty. Trust me, I know shit about her boyfriend than she does. They stopped in front of Kirsty's house and we stopped a couple blocks away from their car. I started to listen to their conversation and that's when I started texting her. When she got out and walked to her house, I knew she was creeped out with my texts. It will all be over as soon as I get her, at least I didn't have to hide all the time.

Grayson's POV

I was always unsure of my brother's choices. It has only been a year since Chloe left when he already imprinted on someone else. That's not fucking normal man. But if my conclusions are true about him still in love with Chloe and imprinted on Kirsty just to forget then that's fucked up. I was still confused as to why Chloe left because I knew her feelings were real, I knew that she feel in love. I never got the chance to talk to her because Aaron took her away that night. 

Kirsty's POV

I walked to the park which was only a few minutes away from my house. I saw him sitting on one of the swings and I sat beside him.

"Kirsty.." He started to talk. My brows furrowed, realizing that he was drunk. How is he drunk at this hour? It's like 8pm!
"Really Jason? You're gonna ask me to come here and talk while you're drunk?" I stood up in attempt on walking away but he grabbed my wrist, falling on his lap.
"Letsss not do this righttt nooooow." He started kissing my shoulder and had a tight grip on my arms.
"This is why we're over. You've got shit that you have to fix and I'm tired of it." I confessed causing him to stand up.
"I went here to tell you that I couldn't think of my life being without you. I'm drunk because of the fact that I'm an asshole and I keep on hurting you." His bloodshot eyes were now having tears that were about to fall.
"That's not my fault! I'm not supposed to fix your shit for you! You're an alcoholic, Jase!" He slapped me across the face. It wasn't the first time to hit me but he promised to never do it again. Tears streamed down my face, I've lost the guy I met 3 years ago. I knew that for a fact. I saw in his eyes that he was shocked at what he had done. He was about to wrap his arms around me when I heard a gunshot.

My heart was beating so fast. I put my hands on my mouth when I saw his body fall in front of me, blood starting to form around his head. That's when 3 men came rushing to me, carrying me bridal style. I was in shock to even struggle. Why would someone shoot Jase? I felt my body being placed on to a leathered seat when everything went black.

Ethan's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. That wasn't supposed to happen but that bitch deserved it. I couldn't contain the anger that I felt when he slapped her. He made the wrong move of his life.

"Ethan you weren't supposed to shoot him in front of her!!" Jc screamed at me which caused me to just drive faster, going 120km/hr. I keep looking at the rearview mirror, taking glances at her. She passed out, I guess that was because of the shock she got into. I don't know.

"Slow down, Ethan. No one's chasing us." Grayson joked. Does he really think it's the right time to joke? I glared at him before taking my attention back to the road. At least, she's already with me. She's mine and no one, not anything can get her away from me.

I would kill for her and I think I've already proven that. I heard her squirming at the back and all I wanted was to wrap my arms around her and calm her down. I stopped at a gas station and got at the back seat, where she was seated. Tears streamed down her face and by just looking at them, I knew she was scared. It hurts to see her like this but it will eventually get better. I slowly took off the duct tape on her mouth.

"Don't shout." I said right after taking the tape off. She bit her lip and nodded.
"B-But why am I here? W-What to do you need?" I just wanted to kiss and hug her. I couldn't possibly watch this. Images of Chloe crying the night I kidnapped her flashed in my mind and tears threatened to fall from my eyes. I looked away from her.

"Chelle can you please take her to the restroom?" I knew she had to go. It has been a long drive and I didn't want her to pee her pants. Chelle is Grayson's girlfriend and she has been his girlfriend for a year now. Chelle nodded and took the handcuffs off of her. I saw Gray check out Chelle's ass and I rolled my eyes. I sat down and tugged my hair. Why? Why is it that until now I can't forget about her? I still think about her.. I thought I was over her. I know I love Kirst but.. Fuck!

"Ethan are you sure about this?" Gray sat next to me. He always knows how I feel about something. Talk about twin telepathy. Before I could say something, we heard Chelle calling out for us. Grayson immediately went to her as I follow. Fuck I think I know what happened now.

"She escaped! There was a goddamn window and she got out!!!"
"Baby stay here. We'll look for her." Gray said and we started running, looking for her. A window, I knew this but I was too distracted of my thoughts.

Kirsty, where the hell are you?

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