Chapter 20

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Grayson's POV

I was staring into space as Ethan, Kirsty and I waited for the doctor to come out if the emergency room. Here I am again at the same position just a few weeks ago but this time, I felt like I'm at the edge of losing the love of my life. I didn't mean to be harsh to her, I was just really frustrated on how the situation is going on for all of us that I couldn't handle anything that will make it worst. When I saw Chelle leaning against Cameron's chest, I was furious, upset and hurt but I didn't think she meant to do that. The anger took the best of me as soon as I heard him call her slut for the second time that day and I just lost it. No one disrespects my girl like that, no one.

"Gray, you have to calm down." Kirsty said with her soothing voice, referring to my vigorous tapping of my foot on the ground. I looked at Ethan who was staring blankly into space, probably making up a plan on how to kill Cameron and his father.

"Why is it taking so long?" I asked, frustratingly covering my face with both of my hands and right after asking, a doctor got out of the emergency room while taking off his gloves. I stood up and walked over to him as Ethan and Kirsty followed.

"How is she?" Ethan asked.

"Shelly is doing fine now. We took out the bullet from her shoulder and she should stay for a couple of days for observation and antibiotics." We nodded as he excused himself, walking away. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Did you just them her real name?" Kirsty asked, confusion all over her face.

"No, it's with a different spelling this time." Ethan answered, looking over to me.


I watch her sleep with the bandage around her shoulder. She looked peaceful as always except for the fact that we're in a hospital right now. I knew for a fact that we're going to face a bigger problem tomorrow. Pyra's no joke, when someone gets in, no one gets out.

But I am getting out with Cameron's father and kill them both right after.

Kirsty's POV

My head was spinning from all that was happening. I was suddenly thinking of what could my life have been if Ethan didn't kidnap me, if he didn't imprint on me. 5 months ago, I never knew something like this would happen to me, I thought this just happens in movies. But it's happening to me right now and I didn't know how to handle it. I've killed people and I've become one of them. I didn't know how to react to that but I know to myself it's something I hated doing even if I had to.

I miss my family but I know I'd go insane without Ethan now. I want to see them or at least let them know that I'm okay. If I leave all of this and go back to LA, will I be able to still live a normal life? Pursue my dreams and be successful? I sighed as I put both of my hands on my face, keeping it there.

"I can't let you come tomorrow." Ethan spoke up, pulling my hands away from my face. I wasn't unsure if that was perfectly fine because of the churning in the pit of my stomach. I looked over to him, watching him and his strands of blue hair was perfectly brushed up with the black ones.

"Why?" I asked, not if I wanted to go with him or if I was just curious as to why he wasn't taking me with him. He never leaves me even if they have work to do, or maybe this is a sign that he trusts me and that he wouldn't think I was still trying to get away from him.

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