Chapter 12

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Ethan's POV

I threw my shirt in the washer when I got back to the house. It's already 1 am and I knew everyone's in their rooms doing who knows what. I was tired, emotionally and physically but I still had the strength to go upstairs in Kirsty's room. I couldn't bare not checking on her before I even sleep. I slowly opened her door, only to find her awake just sitting on her bed staring into nothing. It's a good thing that I wasn't too intoxicated with alcohol or I might've pointed a gun to her again.

Her eyes brightened when she saw me. I didn't know if I was making that up or it was really what her eyes looked like. Was she waiting for me? Probably not. I walked to the bed and sat next to her, releasing a deep sigh.

"Where have you been?" I'm surprised she asked, did she even care at all? I didn't answer her, I was just sitting there swallowing down all the pain I'm going through.

"None of your business." I spat, and I know her brows furrowed at my response.

"I maybe want to leave this place but I can't deny that I have feelings for you." She rushed, heavily breathing.

"So? That doesn't stop you from wanting to leave me." I said, not looking at her. Inwas afraid that if I did, I might do unimaginable things to her. A lot is going on in my mind right now and all I need is her.

"You say you love me but don't want me to be happy?" She asked. I scoffed at her accuse.

"You should learn how to be happy with me. Besides, you were in love with someone who physically and mentally abused you. I am at least a bit better." I smile bitterly to the thought of saying she was in love but maybe what if she still is?

"At least he didn't kidnap me and took me away from my family. You killed my boyfriend and you kidnapped me, how do you want me to be happy about that?!" This time she had her voice raised. I snapped up, looking at her pissed expression.

The moment those words flowed out of her mouth, I felt myself wanting to kill someone again. The way she called that asshole her boyfriend made me angry enough to punch the frame behind her.

"Say that one more time and I won't have second thoughts on killing someone again in front of you." I threatened but she remained still, facing me. She was trying not to cry but I already noticed her shaky breath. I walked to the other side of the bed and sat there. I needed space because I was afraid that my anger could take the best of me and I'll regret that. I stare at my bleeding fists. This is nothing compared to what I feel right now.

"I don't even wonder why you had to kidnap someone just to fall in love with you." She whispered but I heard it. I heard it and it stabbed me in my heart for a million times.

"Our parents died from a car crash with our older sister when we were 5. Grayson and I had no where else to go but the government sent us to an orphanage and it just so happens that the one who adopted us were criminals. They treated us like they're own children but we had to take care of our business when they died from a shooting in New Jersey. We didn't choose to be criminals but we had to because we couldn't leave all the things they've worked hard for behind. They trained us to be tough and so we turned out to be like this. I can't help who I fall in love with and so I fell in love with you. I followed you everywhere and everyday for 2 years. If only you know how badly I wanted to shoot Jason in every time he hit you and promised to not do it again or every time he makes you cry. And that night, I knew I never wanted to see him hit you ever again. So I had to kill him, it's what I do best. I imprinted on you and I can't do anything to stop that except for killing myself. I'd rather kidnap you and you hate me probably for the rest of your life than watch you suffer from someone who doesn't deserve your love." Tears were running down my face as I told her what she needed to know. It made me uncomfortable opening up to her but she at least needed to know how I ended up doing the things I do. I suddenly felt her figure sitting next to me as she lay her head on my shoulder.

"I-I didn't know.." She said with her soft and sweet voice. I didn't want her to pity me but I just wanted her to know. I can't let her judge me all the time, thinking I was born killing people for nothing. Maybe I turned out to be insane but I always protect the people I love.

"I know." I said calmly, looking up to stop my tears from falling. She stood up and went to the bathroom, getting the first aid kit and kneeling in front of me. She started to clean my wound as I watch her take care of me and this somehow eases the pain I have been feeling inside.

"It might sting but I'll be gentle." She said as she damped the cotton with alcohol to my cuts.

"Nothing can compare to the pain I'm going to feel if I lose you." I confessed. She looked up to me and smiled, her cheeks turning bright red. She continued treating my wound and I just sat there watching her. It makes me want to have cuts over and over again just to watch her take care of me like this.

Kirsty's POV

I felt relieved that Ethan opened up to me last night. Losing his parents twice made me thought about of why he is built to he like this. To be tough in front of everyone even when he was damaged inside.

I found myself couldn't sleep last night without waiting for him, so I did. Even when I was thinking of my family, I was also thinking about him. I haven't made up my mind but I have this feeling that I can't last a day without Ethan.

"I'm gonna tell you something." He held my hand as he led me to the kitchen. He probably didn't want the gang hearing any of the things we talked about.

"I figured you wanted some girl time and you do need to shop clothes... So while me and the gang sort out some work, you can go to the mall with Chelle or something." He seemed nervous about the idea but my eyes were shining bright just with the fact that I can go out. He scratched the back of his head and sighed.

"Please tell me this is not a bad idea." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug.

"It's not, I promise! I'll behave." I smiled and kinda laughed at myself for being such a kid. I've never been out since he kidnapped me and I'm just so glad I could smell some fresh air.

Before they could leave, it has been 10x that Ethan was hugging me and kissing me goodbye. It was like we were not gonna see each other for 10 years. When Chelle and I got to the mall, there were so much things I wanted to buy. The only thing stopping me is how the fuck am I supposed to buy all these?

"You should get that!" Chelle exclaimed as she excitedly got a cute top and threw it in our cart.

"But Chelle, who's gonna pay all of these?" I asked as she laughed at me like my question was stupid.

"Ethan gave me his credit card and basically, you can buy the whole store with it." My eyes widened. The whole store? Wow. I continued to pick clothes with Chelle, even the things I didn't really need. I took it because it was cute, don't judge me.

"How are you guys anyway?" Chelle suddenly asked. I grabbed a skirt and threw it in the cart, not caring too much. I think everything is so cute.

"We're good. He opened up to me last night which is a good sign." I smiled at her as we walk through the isle of endless clothes.

"So he told you about Chloe?" I looked at her with a confused look. She figured I didn't know what she was talking about and she gasped.

"Who's Chloe?" I asked. She looked like it was such a big deal, like I wasn't suppose to know anything about it.

Chloe? Sounds like bad news to me.

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