Chapter 3: Our first promise

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Today is Friday and the morning is a suprising one. I woke up from bed only to find, IA is sitting near my study desk. She began to speak.

IA: Good morning, master Ren. It's currently 6:30 am and the sun is about to rise. Mei asked me to wake you up.
Ren: *nervous* Mei ask you to woke me up? Alright...

I was about to take off my clothes and completely forgotten about IA but, She just left the room. Relieved with that kind of action, I can say that IA is really understands the human concept of "gender differences or circumstances". At least this not happening in some anime-way. I went towards the dining room only to find that there's food which make for three. Guess that IA is really serious about that part of being a Humanoid with organs. I ask Mei, who's seated at her own place.

Ren: Did IA make all of this?
Mei: Yes, Onee-chan. Too be honest, IA is really an android but... how it is possible?
Ren: I don't know but... I'll find a way. IA, you may take breakfast with us as well.
IA: It is inappropriate for me to...
Ren: It is not an order but an invite. you may eat with us.
IA: understood. I'll accept that offer...

I can see that she's still use formal words and act like a maid who respect her master. It's not suprising but... why she was programmed that way if she have a human's heart? With our breakfast just finished, Mei and I was about to leave the house, until this happens.

Ren: IA... You know you can't follow us, right?
IA: But it is a must for me to follow main user. Is it wrong?
Mei: no but... we're going to school. and your appearance might attract some attention. Understand?
Ren: sorry... but like she saids, You will be staying here. Make it as your own home as well. Also... Mei will be back first so don't worry.
IA: Worry is not what I specifically feel but, lonely is best describe to what you said, Master Ren. I understand. I will awaiting for both of your return. farewell, Master Ren and master Mei.

Guess I still forgot that she is still an android that was programmed. But the "lonely" part she just tell was that a part of her "Human's heart"? I felt a bit caring by her words and began to worry about her. I need to ask for their asistance, as soon as possible.

As lunch break starts, I bring Keita and Sasaki to the rooftops of our school building. There, I tell everything about yesterday's incident even IA's character while she was there. The two of them thought this is a joke.

Keita: *laughs* Seriously, Ren!? You sure you're okay with your head? I guess that hate comments do much on your brain.
Ren: I'm serious! IA just came out of the screen of the lappy, recognize me as her main user, and you know? She have feelings!
Sasaki: From your story, It was an amusing one. I think you're begining to turn into a weaboo already.
Ren: *sigh* ha... ok then. You two, will follow me to my house. As I show you this, The reality is frigging real...

Sasaki looks worry while Keita laughs soo hard that the other students around heard him. Guess showing her at them will give it a knack. The school's bell rings states that break is over. Keita, with a weak state after laughing too much, was carried by us to the infirmary. I can't see how much amusing he can get from my statement.

As school period ends, The three of us head to my home. Just hoping IA does not gone anywhere, cause that might be a problem. As we arrived, Keita began to tease me.

Keita: * (=w=) face* Ok, Ren... where is she? Just hoping when you open the door, She might greed you in a maid outfit or... you know what I mean.
Ren: well... You know, Keita? After you getting weak just recently, don't you think that....

Then, the door is opens. suprisingly and most likely shocking, it was IA, just in Mei's T-shirt and her underwear. She greets.

IA: Welcome home, Master Ren. and you have some visitors with you.
Ren: I... I..AA... What... were you...
Ren, Keita and Sasaki: *screams* IIIYAAA!!! NOOO!!! PLEASE!!! SAVE US!!!!

After a moments of comedy, everyone is in the living room of my house. This time, IA have some better cover on her. Keita and Sasaki were still staggered by IA's appearance and... Mei's Kick. The three of us were quiet for a bit until Keita, stands and walk towards me. I can sense some dangrous aura there.

Keita: Ren... you better explain this. Why is there a girl in your house!? Moreover, She is exactly like IA!
Ren: *sigh* I just told you guys already. This is IA. To be honest, it's better if she explains about it. IA, can you explain about yourself to them?
IA: yes, Master Ren.

After a long explaination from IA herself and some add on info that makes Keita about to sleep, The two of them now believe in my story.

Sasaki: wow... So you can sing as well?
IA: yes, sub-user Sasaki. That is most likely some of my main function.
Ren: Sasaki... just hold your horses there. I know what you thinking.
Sasaki: Relax... She's only follow you and your sister's orders, right? anyway, you said that your lappy needs checking?
Ren: here ya go...

I give my laptop to Sasaki. As one of the trio, Sasaki is a "technomancer" in electronics. I can say that I even ask him for a perfect laptop suggestion two years ago. Sasaki checked my mail and found no problem or error about the missing mail. As we were out of options, a new mail from the same sender was in. I click on the mail and found it suprising.

"Boy, as you're reading this, I understand that it is a suprise an android, IA is existing in your world. I know this is much to ask but, please, accept this gift and I beg you to take care of her. I can't tell you the reason but I begging you.

As for the gift, It is in your bank account. It was for you and her welfare.

Thank you, Ren Takaheshi."

Ok... I guess that was a serious mail than the previous ones. The sender even know my real name. Ignoring the curiosity, I then open my online bank account and the "gift" is mostly the most suprising ever. The others around me also was stagger by this.

Sasaki: wow...that's a lot of zeroes... He did say it was for her welfare, right?
Keita: ... My bank amount is not this much too... damn, you're lucky. First, your waifu ia really exist, and now an income which is ... big...
Ren: yeah... guess that just happen...
Mei: Onee-chan, this money is for her. No spending it, kay?

I agree. With this much, I can say that the sender is really serious. Since this happens, I can't turn away from his or her request. I turn to IA, looking at her face that shows an emotional face that's really resembles the pic. I approach IA.

Ren: IA, you really don't know who created you?
IA: No. I'm very sorry for the lost of data about my creator. My calculations states that my creator must wanted to make this a secret.
Ren: As I guessed it. *pats IA head* IA, while we try to find more about your creator, we will take care of you and... IA, you want to learn more about human emotions?
IA: Yes...
Ren: Allow us to show you how we feel, the way of a human emotions. I promise you. Along with all of us.

IA, with a big smile says, 'Yes' . All of us we're suprised with what her reply like. That impacted me even more, as that is the brightest smile from the IA I always knew from some fanarts. In fact, The smiles really pleased my heart.

Keita: Hoho... Ren just got his 'red' face.
Ren: You really ruin the mood do you?
Sasaki: Right back at you. IA is the only android that exist in this world. Plus, She is your "forever as always" waifu.
Ren: Not you too...

We all laugh, even IA laughs for the first time we heard. Now, I determine, to teach IA the emotions of a human heart.

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