Chapter 7: Panic at Home and into the mind

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I was panicked. There are too many possibilities that if my father knows about IA, She might get kicked out. Argh!! my mind is a confusing cloud!

Sasaki: knock it of, Ren. Keep youself together.
Keita: Man... I'm also scared actually.
IA: Ren... Are you ok? please don't scare me.
Ren: *heavy sigh* my soul... is gunna...huah...

IA is getting worry about my mental state, shaking me that I return to the world. At least, She's trying.

Sasaki: It's ok. we will think of something. You need to hide her as well as you can.
Keita: Or... with the money, we buying her an apartment.
Ren: No. That's a worrying solution still.
IA: It's ok. I...
Ren: No, IA. You still need to learn something in this world. You're heart can still be complete with emotion. I'm sure.
Keita: Wow... you picked that up from a movie?

Nice interruption, Keita. Nice... Guess at least my family will return the day after tomorrow. With that much time, we can figure this out. The school's bell ringing shows our time of discussion is up. For now, we leave to fate. Later, IA and I were walking home as usual. IA still looks worry about me even though I knew we could plan this out. But... It might too early to say that.

IA: Master Ren, I have a feeling but... it was an unpleasant one.
Ren: I can tell that as well but, don't worry. we figure this ou...
Kaede: *opens the door* Suprise! Welcome home, My son!
Takeo: ... my son. who is she? Also, Why I feel the presence of an another girl living here?

I was about to faint. Seriously, IA had a bad feeling just recently. Oh God... this is bad...


Mother just separates me and IA, leaving me with father at the dojo. It might be a lesson, cause with the current situation Me and IA had is a serious one. We sit in the middle of the dojo, face each other. His gaze is the most fierce one, I swear. Since I was his young student, I always had to follow his steps and usually he's really strict with his teachings. You can say that he is really scary when come to teaching his students. To be honest, I also appreciate his teachings all this time. If not for him, I would not even be as strong as my current state. I even sees him as someone I inspired, a father who is a teacher in his fighting arts, also a father who cares his son and daughter till he teaches us how to fight. He began to speak.

Takeo: Son, I know you will explain this situation. Only I did not teach you to be a playboy at this age.
Ren: GWARK!... seriously father... I did not done such a thing to her. Never.*cold sweat*
Takeo: Then, who is she? why she's staying in our home ? And... You. why you bring her here?
Ren: It is... complicated for me to explain about her situation. To be honest, I can't explain about her current circumstances...

Father stares at me with his highest gaze level. I endure it with a cold sweat. He sigh.

Takeo: Ren, You know our dojo story right?
Ren: ? ... yes...
Takeo: This dojo is a home for our Art of Battle, The Takaheshi. It fills with the past generation history and it still stands today. It is also a shelter to those who lose their way of living and seeking for strength. I didn't say that your action of bringing her into our home is a disgrace for our family, but an achievement as a Takaheshi.
Ren: ... Thank you, father. I'm honored to be praise by you.
Takeo: Now... Let's spar. It's been a while seen you entered high school.

I accepted his offer. With my combat gear ready, Me and father were at our default stand, about to began our spar. I know he is my master and he is strong, but as his son, I'll surpass him. After a few moment of silence, The match began.


Defeated, again. It's usual for me. I admit my defeat long time since he is my master all along.

Takeo: Ren, You've been defeated. Is this what you have?
Ren: *tired* ...huh... guess I'll rejoin the dojo training again...
Takeo: *Delighted* Good! you will return to your training this summer. To be precise, after you're done with half of the holiday period.
Ren: Thanks, Father! I'll work hard to surpass you!

He smiles. Then, the two us leave the dojo and head to our main home. There, we were suprise when we are heading to the dining room. There's a lot of food which is for six. my mouth is getting watery and even father was suprise to see the food, with the blank, shining expression.

IA: Master Ren, Master Takeo. Welcome back. Do both of you need a bath first or having dinner?
Kaede: Honey! This girl have cooked for us! I was worry if she do.much work but...
IA: Mistress Kaede, please rest assure. I am able to do this because I learn how to do houseworks.
Takeo: Ren, You've bough us a girl that hits a wife aspects.
Ren:*blushed* Father!!

The night is a suprise for father and mother. I didn't expect to see IA to do house works by herself but... She's also a good wife.... CUT! CUT! She's still a humanoid! Even though she is my waifu, originally, but... she's still an android with feelings. Guess I know even though it is a forbidden love but... she' here. She's exist in this world. IA then got my attention.

IA: Master Ren, are you alright?
Ren: *sees IA, worrying* Nothing... *pats her head* don't worry, IA. You can stay with us.
IA: ? I don't understand what you're saying...
Kaede: *amuse* hoho... My son has grown up... I'm flattered. Right, Honey?
Takeo: *tears of happiness* Yes...

Please calm down, mother and father. The situation suprise me for a bit. First, my father approves her stay. Then, the two sees her as a wife to me. Guess the world just got better.

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