Chapter 4: Vocaloid

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The next day, all of us were at Sasaki's house. By his request, We here is to see if IA is also actually a Vocaloid. Even Mei who is actually worries about IA, wants to hear IA's singing. Sasaki began to search a song for the testing.

Sasaki: Sorry for accepting my request. Now I feel like a burden to you.
Ren: No problem but... I thought you do have some vocaloid at your place. I'm curious.
Sasaki: haha.... Actually... I do have some. Four to be exact, but IA is not available. Also, I had some problem to make a good music with the voicebank's bugs and voice errors and I'm afraid that even IA, is hard to handle.
Ren: So... IA is not available, and this 4 vocaloids... which voicebank?
Sasaki: *laughs* the cool but might gayish samurai, Gakupo; Handsome Hiyama Kiyoteru; Gumi, which is my most used; and the most popular vocaloid, Hatsune Miku.
Ren: *sigh* welp... the reason why I've never heard an IA song from your works.

Sasaki carves a smug face which means he trolled me since he do promise to make an IA's original. After some search, We've found a good song for her to test. It was also my first favourite song, A "million years and an overnight story." The reason this song is my favourite cause IA's voice is the best in this song. The music which mix with hard rock, electronics and japanese classic sounds makes the music moves me. The fast pace style is also drives my head on "fire".

Keita: I can tell that you wanted to hear IA sings this song. We could use this one. Right, Sasaki?
Sasaki: A demo would do but... Ren, this is you're choice.
Ren: *smiles* Thanks. IA, can you sing this track?
IA: *looking at the screen* yes. I need the music to be played for the lyrics to be remember.
Sasaki: here.

Sasaki gives IA a headphone and she listens to the song. After a few moments, she say that she's ready to sing according to the lyrics. Just hoping than some vocaloid software, she can correct the pitch and sound level for her voice. sometimes, the softwares takes time to do that manually. She sings.


Wow... I must say... she is really IA. Not to mention, her voice in real life is better than the one in the video. I might gonna get some homework to be done with my souls is burning because of this song.

Sasaki: WOW! It is better than the original as well.
Keita: I say... IA might defeat my waifu, Flower but, gunna stuck with her still!
Mei: IA! *hugs IA* Awesome! you're voice is the best.
Sasaki: Oi, Ren. *shakes Ren* You're okay? *shakes Ren again* REN!
Ren: Shut... I know that her voice is beautiful. Just leave me to feel the peace. Her face was that cute when she sings it.
Sasaki: haha... You kidding?
IA: Master Ren... you're staring too much. Is IA doing well? *blush*

She's an angel!! damn, I can't recall why I fell in love with her this much! Guess the musics gave me too much adrenalin plus with that blush

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She's an angel!! damn, I can't recall why I fell in love with her this much! Guess the musics gave me too much adrenalin plus with that blush. I too, began to blush. Then, there's the mood ruiner.

Mei: Onii-chan! *Slaps*
Ren: Bufwek!*lost his imagination* Ouch! you ruin the mood.
Mei: Then how about a second year Takaheshi technique?
Ren:*sweats* nope. I'm good.

Keita and Sasaki laughs. IA too, makes a small laughs. I can say that she learns how to blush and act as a normal girl. Ever since I determined to see her development also helps her with it, I was happy for her.

IA: Master Ren, as I recall, how's IA's singing?
Ren: Beautiful. Fast paced, rock and electronic music that matches your voice. It supports you.
IA: Thank you, Master Ren. But... I feel a little sad with the songs story. The boy and the girl were called as monsters. They did not done anything but pray that everyone who call them that, to be vanished. To be honest, I can understand them.
Ren: It is hard to understand, IA, the story of those children but... yeah, it was sad.

I see. Guess she also can feel the feeling of sadness. Her "Human's heart" is amazing. With this kind of performance, I began to wonder why her creater creates her with this kind of features. Was it to define human knowledge on technology? Or to create a some sort of relationship with it? Sasaki then gets my attention.

Sasaki: Ok... with her abilities is recognized also as a vocaloid, I want to make a request.
Kaito: What is you request?
Sasaki: Listen guys. With IA is here, really here in this world, I was thinking on makin...
Ren: NO. I can say that right now.*mads*
Sasaki: woa... woa... easy. Actually, is not making IA's existance a real fuzz but, To make an Original song for her. I've been wanted to have the IA voicebank but... Now she's here, we can make one.
Ren:*reliefs* ok then. I agree. cause you still owns me that original.
Sasaki: Good! now... Keita, need you're help on this one as well.
Keita: OK! The drumming and guitar part?
Sasaki: Right~ ... Ren, you know what to do right?
Ren: I'll manage it. just give me time for the lyrics to be done.
Mei: wait... How about me?
Ren: The same thing... her welfare.

With my agreement with Sasaki, We started the project, an original song for IA to sing.

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