Chapter 28

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Hey there! Um... please don't kill me? I honestly have no excuses for this except laziness and forgetfulness. I only remembered this story because I got this new shampoo and it smelled like goddamn artificial lemons...
I'm sorry...

After a few minutes of wandering around the school grounds and looking at each building I finally found the room that I would be sharing with my roommate. 

-I probably should've found this a lot quicker that I did...-

The building is the size of an apartment room.  It's made out of logs and cut wood, as if someone had built it by hand instead of magic.  The building is next to it is made out of the same materials but had a slightly different design.  Mine had more of a log cabin feel, with the pointed roof and full logs used to build it.  The other building's design is even more like an apartment.  It's a just a cube made of wooden planks, but it does have more volume than my building.

-hmm... All of the other buildings also have small differences.  One of them is even pink.-

I walk up to the door to see it already opened. I quickly glance at the name tag on the side of it.  Or names are both on the tag but it almost looks like there are names someone scratched out and covered up with other names.

"Cana what are you doing?"  I sigh and walk into the room after her.

I look over to my left to find her curled up onto one of the sofas and pretending to sleep.  I know she's pretending because she only closed one eye.

-well, I guess that one is Cana's sofa now.-

I glance around the room. There is a magenta circular rug on the floor, and 2 purple sofas pressed up against opposite walls to accompany it. In the middle of the rug is a wooden table with nothing on its surface. In the far corners there are purple magic lamps that use light magic.

-Cause electricity apparently isn't needed when you have the magics. But this room is very... Purpley... And symmetrical.-

As Cana continues to roll herself on the sofa, covering it with fur, I walk the the doorway out of this room.

-there can't be much more to this house cause the outside looked not much bigger than that room-

I take one look into the next room and just contemplate life.

-is this fucking Harry Potter-

This room is a kitchen. Not even one of those wimpy kitchens. It has a sink, fridge, many many cabinets, ovens, some sort of grill, a freezer separate from the fridge, another sink for dishes, and a bar for someone to sit down while eating or being served.

Did I mention everything in it is blindingly bright white? Like burn out your eyes white? I let out a sigh and look over the room once again.

-Welp. I should have expected this. OH LOOK, there's two more rooms coming off of this room!-

I walk towards the room to the left. It's a rather normal bedroom with a single size bed, a desk, and another magic lamp.

Except the whole thing is neon blue. Off to the right of the room is a bathroom, that is also blue. Nothing special about it though.

I walk out of this room and peak into the other room off the white kitchen.

-As I expected, it's bright yellow. Other than that it's identical to the other bedroom-

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