1. Happy Birthday!

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Note: Guys I know Shawn is turning 18 in some days, but in my story, he's turning 17, enjoy❤️

"Wake up! It's 7:45, you're gonna be late! And you have to go alone, your brother left already!" Yelled my mom. As she got out of my room, I smiled as I sat up. "August 8th! Here you are!" I yelled. I ran downstairs and grabbed two water bottles and an apple for the day and put them on my backpack. I ran back upstairs and grabbed my outfit of the day. I ran to the bathroom to make a messy bun, since I didn't have much time. "Brooklyn, hurry up!" My mom yelled.
I got my car keys and got in the car. Yes, I lived 5 blocks away from school, but I wasn't in the mood for walking ya know.
I got there around 7:57 and as I parked, I saw Shawn through the side mirror and smiled trying to look cool. Yes, I loved it when he wore flannels, he looked so cute in them. Then it hit me, I had forgotten his birthday gift at my house, I didn't have much time, it was too late to go back. I looked away nervously and my brain needed ideas at that moment. No, I couldn't act as if I forgot his birthday. No, I won't tell him I forgot his gift. But I can't lie.
I got out of the car and took a deep breath. I looked at him showing him my best smile. He smiled back. I just loved the way he smiled. I started getting closer and then I started running, headed to him. I jump and land on his arms. "Happy 17th Birthday Shawn!" I say as I give him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. He hugged me back. "Hey Brooks Gilinsky" (yes, he calls me Brooks and sometimes Brooks Gilinsky) I jumped down and we smiled at each other. "I love you. Thank you very much for remembering my birthday, nobody else remembers, not even my friends." He said with a shy voice. "Awww I love you too homie." Yes, he is my homie for life, he's the reason I sometimes eat half of my lunch, cause the other half is already on his stomach. Thanks homie.
"Wait a second, stay here, I'll be right back!" I looked for my brother Jack and I spotted him with his friend Nash. I ran over to them. "You stupid boy, it's your best friend's birthday!" I whispered-shouted at his ear. "Brook, go away." he said. "Fine, then don't wish him a happy birthday." I said. "Wish who a happy birthday?" He asked "Huh? I just told you it's Shawn's birthday but you didn't care!" I yelled. "Oh somebody's mad... Are you on yo-" "SHUT UP" I interrupted Jack. I looked over to Shawn and he smiled rubbing his neck as if wondering what was going on. "Wait a second Nash." Jack said. We both walked over to where Shawn was. Jack hugged Shawn while wishing him a happy birthday. Then, he walked away and kept on talking with Nash while I talked with Shawn. It was awkward because since Jack is always with Shawn, and I'm always with them I'm used to that. But lately Jack's been so friendly with Nash too. And I'm the type of girl that doesn't really like hanging out with girls because if you hang out with boys there's less drama. And hanging out with my homie is perfect for me.
The bell rang and Shawn, Nash, and Jack each went to their class. The day passed, soon, it was lunch time. I usually ran carefully to our table, but this time I decided to walk. I sat with my tray and started eating my jello. "Didn't you pack your daily apple?" Asked Shawn. "Yes..." I answered. "Then, why don't you eat it, I'm used to seeing you eat your apple." He said. "Well today I have tutorial after school and maybe I'd save it for later." I said. "With what teacher are you supposed to go?" He asked "Mr. Olives" I said "Oh cool, I'll see ya there!" He said. "Fine." I answered back.
The day passed super fast, I couldn't even remember anything well. I met my homie at Mr. Olives' class. Yes, I'm in 9th grade and he's in 12th but afterschool tutorial was given to all grades by the same teacher. Each teacher taught a diferent subject at tutorial. It was complicated. When we finished tutorial we were still in the classroom but I ate my apple while I was waiting to be dismissed since Mr. Olives was looking for some papers I just ate it. I looked over at Shawn and all this things came into my head, like Shawn is just so cute, lovely, sweet, tall, humble, etc... Yes, he is my homie for life, but... Do I like him? I love him cause he's my homie, but is there something else? Is he just my homie? Come on... I guess I do love my homie, but I also have a feeling a special one in my heart, deep inside... I like him, not only do I like him, but I love him so much. "Brook! Brook! Come on! You wanna go have lunch somewhere?" I looked around the calss, there were only 2 students left, I didn't realise it was time to leave. "Um I guess!" I pretended everything was okay, but no! He asked me out to lunch! We walked out the class and while we were on the way to the car it was very quiet, we didn't talk... Then Shawn decided to talk. "You know Brook, I really need to tell you something."

Hope you liked it! Sorry if I misspelled anything!

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