7. Hold Me Tight

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Tysm for 300+ views! Hahaha I added a funny part in this chapter lol. I hope you're liking the story so far! Guys, I just realized that Brook and Jack are in the same grade and they're siblings, and that can't be! So Brook and Jack are twins🙂 (lol yeah, I just realized... Oops!)😂

"Come on." Said Shawn as he smiled. I felt his big fingers between mine. And as he was holding my hand, he lead me inside and into his room silently. "So, are you gonna grab one of my hoodies or something from Aaliyah's closet?" He asked. "I'll grab one of your hoodies." I said. "Which one? The 'obey' hoodie, the gray one, or the 'magcon' hoodie, cause the rest, I can't find them" Shawn said. "Um, I'll grab the gray one." I said. "Come on! Why don't you wear the 'magcon' hoodie? You look adorable in it! Remember when you stayed over last month and you wore the 'magcon' hoodie? " He said. "Oh my Gosh! Then why did you ask me which one I wanted!" I yelled jokingly. "And yeah, I remember that time I stayed over." I said. "Well I remember you looked adorable in it, but I was too shy to tell you, since you weren't my girlfriend those days..." Shawn said. "Yeah whatever!" I said and laughed out loud. "Now shush away, I'm changing." I said. "But this is my room!" He said and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead then left his room, giving me a chance to change.

Three seconds later
I hear a knock on the door. "Done?" He asked. "Shawn, you just gave me three seconds and you're already expecting me to be done? Oh no!" I said. I heard him chuckle from outside his room. I slid the hoodie on and pulled my pants down. "Frrrt." (BAHAH YEAH) Heck no, I farted. "I heard that cute fart all the way over here!" Shawn said. Thank God Shawn wasn't there, cause my face went red. I was too shy to say anything. I folded my jeans neatly. I didn't need to wear any shorts, since Shawn is too tall, and I'm too short, his hoodies are always like 8 inches above my knee, so that counts as a short, whatever. "Done!" I yelled. He opened the door and gave me a hug, I rested my head on his chest. "I love you." Shawn said. "Me too."

We were laying on Shawn's bed by now, both of us were quiet, we were looking at the ceiling. "Remember last time you stayed over, it was Aaliyah, you, and I?" Shawn said breaking the silence. "Yeah. Why?" I asked. "Because... It would've been kinda weird if Aaliyah wasn't there every time you've stayed over. And this is your first time sleeping in my room since we always slept in the living room." He said. "Yeah you're right, this is the first time Aaliyah isn't here, out of millions of times I've stayed over. And yeah, this is my first time." I said. There was an awkward silence. "Here's the awkward silence again...." Said Shawn. "Heck yeah! I can't sleep." I said. "I can't sleep either." Shawn said.

"Remember the first time I stayed over!!!!" I yelled since I was already dying of laughter. Shawn also started laughing out loud. "Oh my god yeahhhhh! In third grade! When you were scared since it was your first time staying over at someone's house and you started crying and then Jasmine (Shawn's cat) jumped on you and you yelled and ran around my house thinking it was a scary creature! Then you realized it was Jasmine and you just hugged her and fell asleep, oh god, I remember Aaliyah's face when you realized the 'scary creature' was Jasmine! Oh no, that day was so funny!" He yelled in laughter. "We've had so many good memories together." Shawn said. Smiling, and looking into my eyes. "Yes, so many, I can't even remember ever single one." I said. "When I met you, when Jack came and told us we liked each other some days after we met, when you came over to my house for the first time and my mom called you Aaliyah by accident, when you stayed over for the second time and the 'easter bunny' brought us many chocolates, when Aaliyah jumped in your back and you both fell, when you farted a moment ago... And I can keep going, so so so many funny and happy memories together." Shawn said, while a tear was running down my cheek. Shawn looked at me, realizing I was crying. "Baby, why are you crying? They're happy memories, not bad memories!" Shawn said. "That's why, I'm so happy because it's crazy, you could go on and on and on and never stop talking about our memories." He cleaned my cheek with his thumb, he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "Hold me tight." I said. "Of course I will." Shawn said.
I felt the sunshine in my eyes, I groaned while I stretched with my eyes closed. "Shawn." I said in a sleepy voice. No answer. "Shawn." I said again, and then opened my eyes to realize Shawn wasn't there. I groaned again. I got up and opened Shawn's bedroom door then I closed it after I got out, I walked into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes. Yum, it smells like scrambled eggs with bacon. Shawn was cooking on the opposite side of the kitchen, not realizing I was there. Here's the moment to scare him. I walked silently, since I was barefoot. His hair looked messy and he was still in the same clothes he was in last night. "Bahhhhggggg!" I yelled and jumped on Shawn. "Awhh!" Shawn yelled and we fell back. "Heck yeah, at least I scared you!" I said as we both got up. "Thank god I didn't drop the spatula!" Shawn said. "Oh my god!" I yelled in laughter. "Well good morning baby." Shawn said and kissed my forehead. "Good morning daddy." I said sarcastically. Hell yeah daddy. I smiled at my thought. "What was that smile for?" Shawn asked. "Well, I smiled at my thought." I said. "Hmmm... Thought." Shawn said. "Yeah." I said. "Well can I hear your thought." Shawn said. "Yeah... When I said 'good morning daddy' I thought 'Hell yeah daddy'" I said. Shawn smirked. "So you think I'm hot referring to 'daddy'" Shawn said. "Yeah, I just said so." I said. "Then, call me daddy if you want." Shawn said as he was still cooking, I saw him smile. "Okay hot daddy." I said in response. He turned around and gave me a hug, I rested my head on his chest, and he rested his head on my head. "And you're my hot baby." Shawn said. "You look so hot when you look sleepy." I said. "You do too." He finished cooking the scrambled eggs with bacon and he put half into my plate and half into his plate.

"Shawn, thank you very much, I've never had such a delicious breakfast in years." I said. "No problem." Shawn said. "I love you." He said. "I love you." He repeated. "I love you so freaking much Brook." Shawn said. "I love you too daddy." I said. "I love you too, hot daddy." I said. He gave me a hug and we went back to his room. "What do you wanna do? Cuddle and talk about life, sleep some more, or play on the Xbox?" Shawn asked. "Play on the Xbox!" I yelled excitedly. I was really excited for this one, since I grew up playing Xbox with Shawn, but let's say we stopped playing so often like 2 years ago. "Which game?" Shawn asked. "Um which game was the one we used to play for hours straight?" I asked. "Oh! Zombie Trivia!" Shawn said. "Yeah!" I said. We started playing and it was very excited as it was before, at the middle of the game, Shawn said, "wanna bet?" "Yeah, 5 dollars." I said, remembering every time we played, we bet money. At last, I was the winner. "Agh..." Said Shawn. "C'mon!" I said extending my hand. "Here you go." Shawn said. "What? We bet 5 dollars, not 100!" I said. "You can keep them inside your phone cover, so if you're anywhere and need money, just take off your phone cover and you'll have money!" Shawn said smiling. "Um... But from where did you get 100 dollars just to give them to me?" I asked. "Brook, I just finished my word tour 3 months ago remember, and now..." There was a long silence. "I'm rich, I can help my parents with anything they need." Shawn said. "Oh yeah I forgot you just came back! O god!" I laughed a little, then smiled. "Thank you very much, you're so sweet... But! In my opinion, I like your kisses better, cause money can't make you happy, but love can..." I said. "You're right." Said Shawn. He gave me a kiss. This time, he hugged me while he was kissing me. *Phone starts ringing* I see my mom's calling me so I answer. "Hey mom." I say. "Hello, how've you guys been?" She said. "Fine... How about you guys?" I said. "Fine fine, dad wants to give you something." Mom said. "Give me what?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Mom said. "Does he wanna give it to me now, or he'll bring it over to Shawn's house or I'll have to go back home?" I asked. "Your dad can take it over to Shawn's house." Mom said. "Great! We'll be waiting for you guys." I said and hung up. "My mom says they're gonna bring a surprise for me?!" I said in surprise. "Oh-uh really." Shawn said (guys, let's pretend Shawn said that nervously but Brook didn't notice).

I hope you liked the story!! I'll update when I reach 15 views❤️

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