9. "Wait What?!"

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That👆🏼 is the picture of Brook when Brook and Shawn got married💓/ This is a pic of Shawn👇🏼

That👆🏼 is the picture of Brook when Brook and Shawn got married💓/ This is a pic of Shawn👇🏼

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***4 months later***
"Shawn, today I have an appointment with the gynaecologist." I told Shawn. He smiled. "Wanna come?" I asked. "I'll know if it's a girl or a boy." I said. "Oh yes! I'm absolutely going, cause I wanna see my little man!" Shawn said. "Yeah... If I trust my instincts, then I say it's a boy." I said. "Yes! Team: boy!" Shawn yelled happily. He looked really excited about being a dad, and I am too. We arrived and here we are, waiting for the gynaecologist. "Good morning." She said as she came in. "Good morning Dr. Terry." Shawn and I said at the same time. "Are you ready?" She asked. "More than ready!" Shawn said. She put my shirt up, you could see a lump on my stomach. I looked at Shawn, and he smiled. He was ready to be a dad, I could see his happiness in his face. "Right there." Said Dr.Terry as she pointed at our little baby's private parts in the screen. "I knew it!" Shawn yelled. He gave me a hug. "Congratulations!" Dr. Terry said. "Thank you very much!" Shawn yelled happily. "I knew it was gonna be a boy!" I said as Shawn followed me into the car. "Yep! I did too!" Shawn said. "He'll have a great voice like his father, and great intelligence like his mother!" Shawn said. I smiled at Shawn. He's right. We'll have to wait.

***5 months later*** (December 12)
"Shawn!!! Aghhhhh!" I started yelling. I was in a lot of pain. In much pain. My back hurt so much. "The! Agh! The!- The baby's co-ming!!!" I yelled as Shawn came into our room. Shawn started panicking, but he made it worse. "Shaw- Agh- just take me to--- the hos-pitaaaaaghhhh!" I yelled in pain. "Uh-um yeah!" He said. Shawn helped me get in the car, I was trying to calm down but I couldn't. Halfway there, I calmed down a bit. We stopped in a red light. Meanwhile, Shawn was looking at me trying to breathe and keep calm. He smiled, looked at my fat and ugly tummy and said "I'm gonna be a good dad." (Remember the Buzzfeed video? Lol) "Ye- yes you areee." I said. He just smiled. When we got there, I got more nervous and nervous.

"You can do it Brook." I heard Shawn say. I was holding his hand tight. "I- AGH can't Do it!" I yelled in MUCH more pain than the night Shawn got me pregnant (night after the wedding) and in more pain than today morning. "I know you can." Shawn said. "Come on! You can do it! You are strong!" The Dr yelled. I yelled much more, and much more and more... It seemed I was never gonna stop yelling, I was still in a lot of pain. I guess more than 50 minutes had passed and I was still crying, yelling and doing everything I could. "You are strong!" The Dr yelled. I guess I must've hold Shawn's hand too tight, cause he groaned very silently, but I still heard him. I was very sweaty and doing my best, when... Poot. Baby Leo was now crying so much. I smiled in relief. And I let my body rest. I untightened my hand from Shawn's. "It's alright baby." Shawn told me. I smiled again. I'm done, finally. I could only hear Leo crying. I sighed in relief. "Ugh... my hand." Shawn said after some seconds and smiled. "I'm sorry." I said and smiled back. Shawn gave me a quick kiss, since he knew I was still in pain. "Here he comes!" Said the nurse as she handed me baby Leo. He was the cutest baby I'd seen in my entire life. MY baby, SHAWN'S baby, OUR baby Leo. I smiled at our baby touching his soft face, I cried a little. When Shawn interrupted our 'happy moment' saying "My turn." So I handed him the baby. I saw a tear run down Shawn's cheek, he was super excited. I never believed this moment would arrive. "My handsome boy." Shawn said softly into Leo's ear. It was a great moment, the best day of my life, even though I was in much pain, it's still the best day of my life. (That's 👇🏼 Leo)

***March 15***I only heard Leo cry

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***March 15***
I only heard Leo cry... He was being baptized by Nash and Jordan. They were all smiling, except for Leo. I actually felt bad for him, cause he's my baby, but I had to keep smiling while Nash and Jordan were in front of us, still, holding Leo while Shawn and I watched. When the mass ended, we were headed to the feast. My mom and Jordan (since she was the godmother) helped me organize everything for the feast. "Congratulations Leo!" Aaliyah said as she walked to us and asked to carry Leo. "Aaliyah! How are you!?" I yelled happily as I gave her a tight hug. "I've been doing great! How about you guys?" Asked Aaliyah. "Well, living a great life." I said as I remembered all of our memories together (by 'together' I mean Shawn, Aaliyah, and I).

*** around 7 months later *** (3 days after Leo's 1st birthday)
"Sh-Shawn" I said as I arrived to our room excitedly, where Shawn and Leo were watching 'Paw Patrol'. "Yeah" Shawn said as he turned and looked at me, while Leo ignored me. "Again." I said. Shawn rubbed his face. He yawned. "Hello?" I said and smiled. "Yes?" Shawn said. Shawn was very sleepy at that moment. "You sleepyhead!" I said. "Guess what?" I said. "What." Shawn said and opened his eyes. I handed him a baby diaper. "Oh my God, why me?" Shawn said and laughed. I laughed too. "No Shawn!" I said and smiled. Shawn looked at me with a confused look. "Then what can I do with this diaper?" Shawn asked and put it next to him. "Again!" I said and jumped. I wanted to make it hard for him to find out I was pregnant again. "Again?" Shawn asked and sat up. "Yeah." I said and covered my mouth. "Agian what?" Shawn asked. Oh my God, he's so dumb. "You dumb Shawn!" I said and laughed. "What?" Shawn asked. "Duh? I'm pregnant again!" I yelled and started jumping again. "Wait what?!" Shawn yelled and got up from bed. "I'm pregnant again!" I yelled even more excitedly. Leo looked at me after I yelled, I guess I called his attention. "This can't be!!!!!" Shawn yelled excitedly, and put his hands on his head, just as he did last time. "Yes it can!!!!" I yelled. "I'm gonna be a dad again!" Shawn yelled. "Yes you are!" I yelled.

Hope you liked the story, sorry for not updating in a LONG time☹️️

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