2. Date

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Guys, part 2 is very short, but I'll update a longer one today.❤️

I got nervous and I guess my face was red. "Well I actually want to ask you something." He said. "Then go ahead." I answered back. "I know you're still 15, and maybe you won't have permission to go, but a friend of my mom is getting married, and she told me I could invite someone and I decided to invite you! Would you like to go?" He asked. I guess my face lit up again. "Um is this a date? Or?" I asked nervously. "I guess!" He answered back. "Yeah, when's the wedding?" I asked. "The 11th." "This 11th?!" I wasn't gonna have time to pick the right dress! "Yeah! I could pick you up at 7:45 cause the party starts at 8:00 and my mom said we could just go o the party." He said. "Okay. I'm in!" I said. "Perfect!" He answered back. "Well changing the subject. My car's here and so is your car, are we gonna come back and pick up my car... Or?" I said. "Yes, we'll come back for your car."
We drover over to Chipotle and went in. We each ordered a burrito. We talked and talked and talked. "Thank you for everything." I said. "No problem."
"Hey, you wanna drive over to the beach?" He asked while he opened the door for me. "Yes! Great idea!"
We drove over and sat on the sand. Everything was so quiet. I could only hear the ocean waves and the breeze. We were alone at the beach. Suddenly, he started pulling my jeans up to my knee. Everything was so romantic. I looked into his brown, shiny eyes. And his lazy eye looking a little bit crooked. He looked at mine. We smiled and looked away. "Shawn! What are you doing with my jeans!" I then chuckled. "Pulling them up cause we're going to the ocean." He said. "Great! Then let's go!"
We walked in, the water was up to my ankle by now. I felt the breeze in my face. I could see the sunset. The sky was orange and pink. It was so beautiful. We splashed some more and talked some more. By then we were tired and we sat back in the sand, the sunset was much more beautiful than it was before. We could see so many different diferent colors in it. It was incredible. And it was the perfect sunset for... You know... A kiss.

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