My best friend

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High school sucks. I'm a senior now and pretty much the entire school knows I'm gay so I don't have a date. Or friends. I have one friend. She's been my friend since middle school. Her name is Sammy. She was the first to know that I'm gay.

"Hey Jordan, are you going to prom?" Sammy asked and I gave her a serious look. "C'mon, it's senior prom. You've got to go" she pleaded as I closed my locker and began to walk out to my car. She followed me and got in the passengers seat.

"Why don't you want to go?" She asked as I drove. "Sammy, you know I like a straight boy that will never like me back" I sighed as I turned on to the street I live on.

We got out of the car and went up to my room. "Who is he? Why do you refuse to tell me?" She asked as we sat on my bed. "I don't want to because you'll think I'm weird and hate me" I explained as I pulled out my math homework. "No I won't, I promise" she told me so I looked at her seriously. "Fine, I will tell you who I like if you kiss the boy you like next time you see him" I told her with a smirk "fine. I'll do it" she agreed. She won't do it. She'll chicken out. "I know you're doubting me. I will do it" she told me then there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"Hey, dinner will be ready in five" Josh said then Sammy looked at him. "Josh can you help me?" She asked so he walked over to her. "I'm not good at math but I can try" he sighed looking at the paper. "No I need help with a deal Jordan and I made" she said so he looked at her. She immediately leaned forward and kissed him.

I watched as Josh kissed her back. I got so pissed off. "What's the deal?" Josh asked "I kiss the boy I like and Jordan tells me who he likes" Sammy smiled then Josh looked at me "hold up your end of the deal dude" he told me "I said her not you" I told him so he looked at Sammy. "Let's go out sometime" he told her and I rolled my eyes at them.

Josh left the room and Sammy looked at me. "Ok I did my part. Who do you like?" She asked and I shook my head "nobody" I told her and she pushed me playfully "c'mon we had a deal. Tell me" she pleaded "I was kidding. It was all a trick to get you to kiss the person you like" I lied and she glared at me. "I knew convincing you to join drama club was a mistake" she chuckled then we went downstairs for dinner.

I sat there and watched Sammy and Josh first across the table. I rolled my eyes then looked at the time. "Sammy it's almost your curfew" I told her so she checked her phone. "Oh yeah. I better go" she sighed so I grabbed my keys.

I pulled into her driveway and she looked at me. "What?" I asked and she smiled "I can't believe you tricked me" she told me and I shrugged "I know you've liked him for a while. I just didn't know that it was my brother" I told her so he hugged me before walking inside.

I got back home and mom looked at me. "You know, if you weren't gay then you two would make a perfect couple" she told me so I rolled my eyes "mom, she's my best friend and she's going on a date this weekend. No, I'm not going with her so don't ask" I told her so she smiled "ok. Well get yourself a boyfriend so you two can go on double dates" she told me so I sighed. "It's not that easy mom" I told her before going up to my room.

I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling. I lied. I do like someone but I can't tell Sammy. The person I like is the person she's going on a date with. Yes I like my brother. I know it's weird but I do. Maybe I can get back at Josh for dating my best friend. I'll date his best friend. I know this is fucked up but I'm pissed and need revenge. I'll just tell Sammy that I lied and say I like Tyler. That'll work. Right? I hope so. Damn, it'll suck if I break Tyler's heart. I'll sleep on it and see if it sounds like a better idea in the morning.

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