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I woke up and Tyler was already dressed. "baby, it's early. Go back to sleep" he told me and I checked the time. It's around the time I get up for school so I'm good. "No. I have school today anyways" I groaned then got up. I gave him a kiss before using the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and Tyler hugged me fro m behind. We walked down the hall and went to the kitchen. I made coffee for me and Tyler then we sat on the couch and I looked at Tyler. "Tyler please don't leave me" I told him "baby I'm sorry. I have to make money some how. I promise I will call you every night and I will be back in three months" he told me so I nodded. "Tyler you ready to go?" Josh asked so Tyler nodded. I stood up with him and hugged him. "Baby, you'll be ok. I love you" he told me so I nodded before kissing him. "I'll miss you" I told him so he nodded before leaving with Josh.

I looked at the time before going upstairs to get ready for school. I put on a black band shirt, a red flannel, black skinny jeans with black combat boots. I fixed my hair then went downstairs.

I sighed and my mom looked at me. "Do you miss Tyler?" She asked and I nodded. "It's ok. I miss Josh every time he leaves for tour" she told me so I just nodded before grabbing my backpack. "Bye, I'll see you this afternoon mom" I said as I left. She waved as I pulled out of the driveway.

I parked my car and went to my locker. A girl walked up to me and smiled. "Uh hello" I said awkwardly "is it true that you're dating Tyler Joseph?" She asked so I nodded. "Yes" I told her as I pulled out my notebook from my locker. "Nuh uh! You're lying. Give me proof. Tweet him" she told me. "I don't have Twitter" I told her so she frowned "FaceTime him" she said so I shrugged. I facetimed Tyler and smiled at him when his face showed up on the screen. "Hey baby, I miss you" he told me causing me to smile. "I miss you too. Where's your first show?" I asked so he looked over at probably Josh. "Cincinnati" he told me so I nodded. "I love you baby, I'm loosing signal so I'll call you later" he told me so I nodded "ok. I love you too" I told him before hanging up.

The girl looked at me shocked and looked over at her friends. "Ok so you just notice me because I'm dating the lead singer of Twenty One Pilots. My brother is the drummer" I told her and she shrugged. "But that your brother. This is your boyfriend" she told me so I rolled my eyes. "I'm not using my brother or my boyfriends fame to get popular" I told her before going to class.

I sat down in class and felt like everyone was staring at me. "Is it true that you turned Tyler Joseph gay?" A girl asked me and I shook my head. The teacher walked around looking at everyone. "Good morning everyone" she smiled but nobody replied. "Hello Jordan" she smiled at me and I was confused. She usually hates me. She's homophobic. What the hell is going on here? "Ok, your assignment is to write an essay about a feeling. Any feeling. Love, hate, sadness, happy, fear. Just write an essay about a feeling and what your experience with this feeling is" the teacher explained so everyone groaned. Essays suck. I can't write. "It's due tomorrow" the teacher said so everyone took out paper before beginning to write.

I stared blankly at the paper and tried to figure out what to write. I want to talk to Tyler. I miss him. "Hey Jordan. I heard you fucked the lead singer of Twenty One Pilots" some guy asked me. "That is not true. And why am I suddenly popular for dating Tyler when my brother is the drummer?" I asked and turned around to try to finish my assignment. "Jordan. How long have you been dating Tyler?" Some girl asked so I turned around annoyed "two months. Now mind your own damn business" I snapped so she frowned. This is getting irritating. My phone buzzed so I looked at it.

Tyler- hey baby. I'm in Cincinnati. I miss you already. Have a good day at school. I love you

I smiled and my teacher looked at me seriously. "Jordan, do I need to pick your phone up?" She asked and I shook my head "no, sorry. Someone just texted me. Sorry" I apologized then put my phone away. "It was Tyler" someone teased like a second grader would. "Put it away and everyone needs to stop bugging Jordan" the teacher said so I took a deep breath before staring back at my blank sheet of paper. The bell rang so everyone got up and left.

I sat down at lunch and slowly ate with Sammy next to me. "Do you miss Josh?" I asked and she nodded "yeah, a lot. Do you miss Tyler?" She sighed so I nodded. "This is gonna be the worst three months ever" I sighed then checked my phone. "Yeah. Do you think it's weird that I'm dating your brother and you're gonna be an uncle?" Sammy asked so I shrugged "not really. I think it's cool. You're happy with Josh and I'm happy with Tyler" I told her then smiled when Tyler texted me.

Tyler- I miss you baby. I love you so much. I wish I could kiss you right now

I smiled and began typing.

I love you too. I really miss you. When you get back in three months I never want to let you go

I locked my phone and finished my lunch. "Sammy what are you writing your essay about?" I asked so she shrugged. "I have no idea what to write it about" I groaned and she agreed. The rest of the day at school was boring and continuous questions about my relationship with Tyler.

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