The plan

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Ok so Sammy is coming over to chill like she usually does on weekends so I will go through with this plan when she gets here. It's not that hard.
1)Tell Sammy I like Tyler

2) Sammy freaks out then asks a bunch of questions

3A) She'll tell Josh.

3B) she'll start a plan to hook us up.

4) next time we hang with Tyler play truth or dare

5) I tell Sammy to dare me to kiss Tyler

6) I turn Tyler gay and we end up dating purely to piss off Josh and get Sammy away from him.

"Jordan, Sammy is here!" Mom called from downstairs "tell her to come up here" I yelled back then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Sammy smiled and sat down next to me. I smiled back and looked down. Come on Jordan go through with the plan. "Uh. Sammy. I have a confession" I said awkwardly so she looked at me. There's no backing out now. "What's up?" She asked concerned. "I lied yesterday. I do like someone and it wasn't just to get you to kiss the guy you like" I told her so she frowned "who do you like?" She asked. Here comes the first step of the plan. "Tyler Joseph" I told her and she was surprised. "Josh's best friend? The lead singer of Twenty One Pilots?" She asked and I nodded. "Jordan! That's awesome. We need to get y'all together!" She smiled then there was a knock at my door.

Josh poked his head in and smiled at Sammy before walking in. "What are you two up to?" Josh asked looking at us. "Trying come up with a way for Jordan to be with the guy he likes" Sammy said and I looked at her "man, secrets aren't your thing are they?" I said and she looked at me "I can't lie to my boyfriend. You'll understand once we finish this plan" she told me and I had to act like her referring to Josh as her boyfriend didn't bother me. "I can help" Josh smiled so I looked at him. "Close the door and sit down I guess" I sighed and he listened.

"So, who do you like? If it's someone I know then I can help with the getting you guys in the same room thing" Josh asked and I looked up at my ceiling before letting out a long sigh. There is no turning back now. "Tyler" I told him so he looked at me surprised just like Sammy did. "I did not see that coming but we better do this as soon as possible before Tyler goes on a date with some chick named Jenna in three days" he told me which made this plan even harder. "How about tonight?" Sammy suggested so we all shrugged.

"Ok so how are we going to get you two together as in dating wise though?" Josh asked "truth or dare? Someone dares me to kiss him" I suggested so they agreed "ok but it can't be right off the back, first dare. Do one or two before that" Sammy said so we all nodded "ok, so invite Tyler to hang out tonight" I told Josh so he nodded then took out his phone.

A few hours later Tyler got here and I honestly got super nervous. How do I kiss someone that I don't truly have feelings for in a way that will make them think I have feelings for them? I'll just pretend it's Josh. That'll work. I hope. "Hey let's all go chill in my room" Josh said then grabbed Sammy's hand.

We all sat around Josh's room and Sammy smiled. "Guys lets play a game" Josh said so we all agreed "what game?" Tyler asked in a sort of bored tone. "Truth or dare" Sammy smiled so Tyler shrugged. "I'll go first" Josh announced then looked around. "Tyler, truth or dare?" Josh smirked "truth. I don't trust you with dares" Tyler smiled "would you ever date a guy?" Josh asked and I sunk in my spot a little "I mean yeah if I liked them and knew them well enough or they seemed cool" Tyler replied and I let out a sigh of relief. Sammy smiled at me then Tyler spoke. "Sammy, truth or dare?" Sammy looked at him and smirked "dare" she replied causing Tyler to smirk. "I dare you to give Josh a lap dance" Tyler smirked and I cringed inside. I'm gay. I don't want to see straight people getting it on.

I watched as Sammy straddled Josh and moved in some what graceful but mostly sexual ways. I saw Josh bite his lip as he stared at her. "Ok that's enough. This is weird" I said so Sammy got off of Josh. "That was hot" Josh said with a smirk. "What ever. It's Sammy's turn" I said and she looked at me asking if it was time for the plan. I nodded slightly then she spoke "Jordan, truth or dare?" I thought for a second wondering if I should really do this "uh. Dare" I replied then she smiled. "I dare you to kiss Tyler" she told me then Tyler looked at me. "Wait, what?" Tyler asked "I have to kiss you. Just go with it" I told him flatly "c'mon dude don't be chicken. You perform in front of people and you're afraid of a kiss?" Josh teased "fine. Come over here" Tyler agreed so I smirked as I stood up.

He also stood up and I pulled him close to me by the hips. Just imagine it's Josh. I leaned forward and connected our lips. I felt how tense Tyler was but he loosened up and ran his fingers through my curly hair as he kissed back. Holy shit he's a good kisser.

I pulled back and smiled at him. "I-I think I'm gay" Tyler said quietly. "Welcome to the club" I smirked then sat back down. "Wait. You just kissed my brother then said you think you're gay and you're not even gonna ask him out?" Josh asked Tyler then Tyler looked at me. "J-Jordan. Do you wanna go out with me?" Tyler asked so I smiled "yes" I told him causing him to smile. This plan is going extremely well so far.

"Boys! Sammy! Y'all need to go to sleep!" Mom yelled from downstairs so we all went to the edge of the stairs. "Sammy sleep in Jordan's room. Tyler sleep in Josh's room" mom told us. "Thanks for separating the gay one!" I told her sarcastically as I walked away.

I looked at Sammy then at Josh and Tyler. "Switch until midnight" Josh whispered so everyone agreed and set alarms on our phones to midnight.

I walked into my room with Tyler and closed the door. I went over to my closet and pulled out my pajama pants. I took off my shirt and changed my pants not caring that Tyler is in here. "Do you need something more comfortable to sleep in?" I asked and he looked down at his skinny jeans. "yeah" he replied shyly so I handed him a pair of sweat pants. He changed and folded his clothes before setting them on the dresser. He looked at me nervously and I smiled.

I walked over to him and placed my hands on his hips and kissed him. "Don't be shy" I whispered against his ear. I could tell that he got chills from it. He looked me in the eyes and I could help but to notice how beautiful his hazel eyes were. I looked into his eyes and saw innocents and a little bit of fear. I think I'm regretting this already.

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