1 month

9 0 0

I miss Tyler so much. I've been doing good in school like I promised him but I still miss him. Video chat just isn't the same as being there with him. Everyone at school has treated me different. Sammy is having an even harder time because she's pregnant and people found out.

Sammy and I sat on the couch at my house and sighed. Sammy leaned on my shoulder and groaned. "You ok?" I asked and she nodded. I looked at her and she was crying. "Sammy what's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head. "I miss Josh and I'm pregnant and you know, hormones. It all is so terrible" she cried so I hugged her. "It's ok. They will be back in two months" I told her trying my best not to cry. My mom walked into the room and looked at Sammy. "Oh Sammy? Is it the hormones?" Mom asked so Sammy nodded. Mom sat down and hugged Sammy. "It's ok. It'll get better. I had to go through that four times" mom explained so Sammy nodded. They hugged then my mom walked into the kitchen.

I sighed and right as I checked my phone Tyler facetimed me. I answered and smiled at him. "Hey baby, I miss you" Tyler told me "I miss you too" I told him then saw Josh had called Sammy. "We are in Florida right now. Our show is tonight in like an hour" he told me so I smiled "I hope you have a lot of fun" I told him then he looked to his left because someone was talking. "Baby I gotta go. I love you so much. Stay safe" he told me so I nodded "I love you too. You stay safe also" I said before he hung up.

Sammy also hung up with Josh then we both sighed. "I miss him so much" I told her and she nodded. "Why don't you stay here tonight. You can sleep in Josh's room" I told her so she nodded. Her parents aren't happy that someone five years older than her got her pregnant. She goes home and they shut her out and shit like that.

Sammy and I went to school and we were in our first period class when we got news alerts. "Oh my god!" I said out loud and my teacher looked at me harshly. "Jordan there better be a reason for your out burst in the middle of a quiz" she told me "Sammy and I need to go. Tyler and Josh were shot at the airport this morning" I told her with tears in my eyes. "Your boyfriend can wait" she told me so I got pissed "my brother is Josh Dun! It wasn't just Tyler it was my brother too! Sammy and I need to leave!" I yelled and everyone was stunned. "Jordan, there is no need to yell at me. sit back down and finish your quiz!" She commanded pissing me off even more until I was in tears. "It's my brother and my boyfriend! You won't let me leave because your a fucking homophobic bitch! I need to know if my brother is ok! He was shot for Christ sake!" I told her in tears "do not use that kind of language in my classroom. I'm calling the campus security to remove you from this room" she told me then called security.

A cop came in and escorted me to the office. I sat in the office sobbing. "Jordan, I'm surprised to see you here? What's going on?" The principal asked "I need to see if my brother and Tyler are ok. Please sign Sammy and I out. Please" I cried and he was confused "what happened?" He asked me "they were shot in Florida at their venue this morning. Sammy and I need to leave" I begged so he nodded. "Ok you guys are signed out and it's excused so get your stuff and you can leave" he told me so I nodded before running down the hall.

"Sammy let's go" I told her as I walked into the room. She nodded and put her stuff in her backpack. "She can't leave. You haven't been signed out"the teacher said "yeah well the principal actually has feeling and signed us out so I could find out if my brother is ok" I told her before walking out with Sammy.

I got home and my mom was in tears. I immediately hugged her and she looked at me. "Mom are they ok?" I asked and she didn't say anything. I just hugged her again and looked at dad who refused to look up. "Mom what happened?" I asked so she looked me in the eyes before sobbing again. "Jordan quickly pack a suitcase. We have to go to Florida" dad told me in a flat tone so I ran upstairs. They got last minute tickets to Florida then we went to the airport.

We arrived in Florida and went straight to the hospital with our suitcases and everything. We walked in and approached a nurse. "Joshua Dun and Tyler Joseph" dad told the nurse so she nodded. She lead us down the hallway to a room with both Josh and Tyler inside.

I looked at both of the boys stunned. Josh was hit in the chest. Tyler in the arm. "Oh my baby!" Mom cried out in tears while looking at Josh who is on ventilators and hooked to machines to monitor everything. "J-Josh" I stuttered on the verge of tears. I looked over and my mom was in complete tears. I noticed that none of Tyler's family was here yet so I walked over to Tyler.

"Hey baby" he mumbled weakly. "Hey, I'm so glad that you're ok" I told him then tears slid down my cheeks. "Baby, don't cry I'm fine" he told me and I shook my head. "I know, I just want Josh to be ok" I told him through tears. "He will be. He loves his family too much to leave them and he won't leave Sammy and the baby" he told me so I nodded. I leaned over and kissed him softly. "I love you" he told me and I stared at the wall blankly. "I love you too" I replied then he looked at Josh laying in bed. Sammy was next to Josh sobbing.

I walked over to Sammy and hugged her. "I need him. The baby needs a father" she sobbed so I looked at her. "Sammy, let's go on a walk outside. You're getting stressed and it's not good for you or the baby" I told her so she nodded.

Sammy and I walked around outside the hospital and I took a deep breath. "I'm sure he'll be ok" I told her so she nodded. "Aren't you worried about him?" She asked so I stopped and looked at her. "Sammy I'm scared to death. He's my older brother. I don't know what I would do with out him. I'm also scared for you. He's your boyfriend and the father of your baby" I told her so she nodded. "I'm so scared" she told me so I hugged her then my phone rang.

"Hey mom what's up?" I asked and she was sobbing "jordan, come up here. Josh is-"

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