Tradegy part 2

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I was sitting in the waiting area when they suddenly rushed my dad through. I stood up and tried to follow them. My mom was in a wheel chair with blood all over her. "Mom, is dad ok?" I asked her while walking beside her. She gave me a sad look then the doctors began to clean her up. She broke her wrist and got a concussion. That's it. I sat next to mom and comforted her. She's been through a lot these past two weeks. "How's Sammy?" She sniffled so I looked up. "I haven't heard from the doctors yet" I told her then held her close to me. She's been taking care of me for seventeen years and comforting me now it's my turn to return the favor. She relaxed in my arms and took a deep breath.

We sat there for about an hour waiting for word from the doctor. "Mrs.Dun" a doctor said so mom looked up. "Is my husband ok?" She asked and the doctor frowned before sitting down. "No. I'm afraid not. I'm so sorry for your loss" the doctor said and I watched my mother completely fall apart right there. I didn't hesitate to hug her.

"Jordan, he's gone" she sobbed and I cried into her shoulder. "I know" I sniffled trying to be strong for her. She held me tightly while sobbing. "Mom, I will take care of you. No matter what. You're my mother and you deserve the world" I told her so she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You're so sweet. I love you sweetie" she sniffled and I hugged her again. "Someone should tell Josh" I sniffled so she nodded. "Um ma'am, did you want to see him one last time?" The doctor asked so mom looked at me. "Go. I'll call Josh" I told her so she followed the doctor.

Tour is great. I'm so glad I'm out of the hospital and able to play shows again. We are right about to go on stage. But I got a phone call from Jordan. "Hey Jordan, can we talk later?" I asked when I picked up. "No, this is more important than your show. You might want to sit down" he replied and I could tell he was crying. "What happened? Is Sammy ok? What about the baby?" I asked worried "I haven't heard back on Sammy. We got in a bad car accident. Mom and I are fine. But. Josh. We need you here. Dad is gone. The accident killed him" he said then I heard his tears. I was shocked "oh my god" I whispered "Josh, we need you here. I'm trying hard to be strong for mom because I just watched her completely break and fall apart" he cried so I nodded. "Ok. I will get there as soon as possible" I told him "ok, love you Josh" he told me so I nodded "love you too Jordan" I replied then hung up.

I ran up to Tyler and he smiled. "You ready?" He smiled "Tyler we have to cancel the tour and show" I told him with tears filling my eyes. "What? Why? What happened?" He asked concerned "my dad just got killed in a car accident and I don't know if Sammy is ok" I told him with tears slowly making their way down my cheeks. "Ok. We are cancelling. Then you are getting the next flight to Ohio. I'll stay behind to help the crew pack everything" he told me so I nodded. He looked at me then hugged me. "It'll be ok man" he told me so I nodded before running off to pack my stuff. I could hear Tyler on stage. "I'm so sorry everyone! We have to cancel this show and tour for personal reasons. We love all of you but there's just something going on right now" Tyler told everyone and I was shaking badly. I'm so scared. I don't know what I am feeling right now honestly. I packed a small bag then called an uber driver. I ran out of the venue and got into the car. "Go to the airport please" I told the driver so he nodded.

I paid the driver then went into the airport. I went up to the ticket counter and found out the next flight to Columbus leaves in an hour. "I need to be on the next flight to Columbus" I told the lady so she checked the computer. "Two fifty" she told me so I gave her two one hundred dollar bills and a fifty. I got my ticket then went through security.

When my flight landed Jordan picked me up then took me to the house. Sammy was on the couch so I rushed over. "Sammy. Are you ok? How is the baby?" I asked concerned so she looked up at me. "He's fine. I'm fine" she sighed so I kissed her. "Thank god. I love you so much" I told her so she nodded "I love you too" she replied then I looked at my mom. I walked over and hugged her. "Josh he's gone" she sobbed into my shirt. "I know. It'll be ok" I told her while hugging her. "Jordan I got mom. Go take a breather or get something to drink" I told him so he nodded.

I picked up mom like a baby and sat on the couch. "Josh what do I do? He was the love of my life" she cried "well, it's ok to cry. Life will go on. Someone will always be there for you but eventually you'll have to be strong. For now it's ok to be broken" I explained so she hugged me. "You grew up so fast Joshua. How did I go from cradling you to you holding me so fast?" she sniffled "I don't know but I know I'm not leaving again until I know you will be ok here on your own" I told her so she nodded. I sat there with mom who had finally calmed down.

Jordan came into the room with a cup of tea for mom and coffee for me. "Thanks sweetie" mom sighed then sipped her tea. "No, problem mom" Jordan replied then sat on the other side of mom. Jordan and I are going to work really hard to make mom happy again. "Mom, it's getting late. Where do you want to sleep tonight?" I asked so she glanced at her bedroom door. "I'll sleep out here on the couch" she sniffled. "If you don't want to sleep in your room because it's too much right now then take my room. It's got a comfortable bed and it's better than the couch. If you need anything get Jordan or I" I told her so she nodded. We all stood up then we went upstairs. "Joshua. I don't want to be alone tonight" mom said so I nodded. "I'll stay with you" I told her before following her into my room.

Mom and I laid in my bed and I made sure she was comfortable before I rolled over to fall asleep. No this is not going to become a weird incest shit where I fall in love with my mom. That's just fucked up. I just care about my mom and my dad just died. She needs comforting even if that means I have to share a bed with her.  I don't mind at all. She's done a lot for me. It's the least I can do for her.

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