You're what?!

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>2 months later<
I walked downstairs and was glad to see Tyler on the couch with Josh. "Hey baby" he smiled so I walked over and kissed him. "Hey. What's up?" I smiled then looked at Josh. "Nothing. Just talking to Josh about tour" he smiled so I frowned "how long will you be gone?" I asked in a disappointed tone. "Three months then we come back for a week and some home town shows before leaving again" he explained "Tyler, do you have to leave me for that long?" I frowned so he nodded. "Sorry. I gotta make money some how. And they say do what you love. I love performing" he replied so I kissed him one more time before going to the kitchen to get coffee.

I turned around and Sammy was standing there. "Hey Sammy" I smiled so she smiled back. "What's up? Haven't talked to you much in a while" I asked her so she sighed. "I know. You've been busy with Tyler. Every time I've made plans to hang out you always have plans with him. What's your deal?" She asked and I frowned "you got a boyfriend and so did I so why don't you hang out with Josh more?" I told her and she growled. "Jesus, chill" I told her backing up. She rolled her eyes before walking away.

I walked back to the living room and saw Sammy had pulled Josh out of the room to talk. I shrugged and looked at Tyler before smiling. "What's up with them?" I asked and shrugged. I blew it off as nothing then kissed his neck softly. "You know what? We should have some fun tonight" I whispered in his ear before kissing his neck again. "Mmhm baby stop. You're gonna turn me on" he whispered so I kissed his neck one more time before stopping.

"You're what?!" We heard Josh shout from the other room then I heard Sammy sniffling. "Shit he better not hurt my best friend" I said then walked into the room they were in. "Josh what did you do to her?" I asked seeing Sammy in tears then Josh walked out of the room pissed off.

I looked at Sammy who was in tears. I immediately hugged her. "Sammy I'm so sorry for being such an asshole to you" I apologized then she shook her head. "Jordan it's not that" she sniffled and I looked at her confused. "Then what is it?" I asked so she looked down. "J-Jordan. Josh got me pr-pregnant" she stuttered and I was shocked. "No. No he didn't" I told her then she lifted up her shirt to reveal her baby bump. I suddenly got pissed off at Josh. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of Josh" I said before walking to the living room.

I looked at Josh who was sitting on the couch. "What the hell Josh?" I yelled so he looked up. "What?" He asked confused "don't play dumb! I can't believe you knocked up my fucking best friend!" I shouted pissed off. "What? It's not my fault!" He replied "then who's fucking fault is it Josh! You did this to my best friend" I shouted then punched him in the nose. "Jordan!" Tyler yelled then jumped up. He held me back and I calmed down.

Honestly I've gotten over Josh and I've fallen for Tyler. I'm so pissed that Josh got Sammy pregnant. I leaned back onto Tyler and took a deep breath.

I looked at Sammy who was in tears. "Sammy, what do you want?" I asked her then she looked at Josh. "Jordan I want it to be your baby. I faked it ok? I didn't want to kiss you the night you told me to and when Josh came into the room so I acted like I liked him because I knew you liked someone guy" she explained and Josh looked pissed. "Joshua, walk away. Don't hit her" Tyler said "what ever jut go fuck my brother or what ever you want" Josh grumbled as he walked away.

I made Tyler let go of me and hugged Sammy. "I'm so sorry Jordan. I'm so sorry" she cried "Sammy, it'll be ok. You don't have to be sorry" I told her so she nodded. "I should go home or something" she sniffled. "Go home, get some rest then maybe talk to Josh" I told her so she nodded. I hugged her before she grabbed her purse and left.

I turned around and Tyler sighed. "What?" I asked him as I walked up and kissed him. "Baby, can I tell the clique about you?" He asked me and I smiled a little."you might get a lot of hate and shit. You'll be asked about it in interviews a lot too" I replied so he nodded. "I don't care as long as I have you" he replied then grabbed my hand. "I love you" I told him so he smiled at me "I love you too" he smiled before kissing me again. "Jordan, you can tour with us. We need two guys to be in the gas masks and suits" he told me so I smiled "you'll have to ask Josh about that first. I don't want to crash your parties" I told him so he wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll talk to Josh but we have a show tonight and it's hometown so I want to tell everyone about you" he smiled so I nodded. "Ok well I should go talk to Josh" I told him so he nodded.

I went upstairs and walked into Josh's room. "What the fuck do you want?" He grumbled "Josh, please stop being upset. It wasn't Sammy's fault" I told him so he looked at me. "Then who's fault is it Jordan? It's not her fault that she decided to like me because she couldn't face you?" He said angrily so I sat next to him. "Haven't you ever lied about liking someone for the sake of friend?" I asked and he thought for a second. "Yeah. Have you?" He asked and I nodded "I did and it turned out to be the best relationship ever. I really do love the person I pretended to like for the sake of Sammy" I explained and he was confused. "Wait. Are you saying that you pretended to like Tyler for the sake of Sammy? That doesn't even make sense" he told me then I sighed. I gonna have to tell him. "Josh, I used to like you. Like more than a brother then I saw that Sammy liked you so I backed away knowing you wouldn't like me. Then I started dating tyler and I really like him. He's the best boyfriend ever" I explained causing Josh to be shocked. "Wait you liked me?" He asked and I nodded shyly.

I looked up then felt lips against mine. I pulled back and saw it was Josh's lips. I immediately pulled away. "Josh. Why'd you do that?" I asked then he smirked "I wanted to see what kissing a boy was like. I'm not gay. Nope. But anyways. I won't tell Tyler your secret as long as you tell me one thing" he told me so I nodded signaling for him to continue. "Does Sammy really love me? I really do love her that's why I got so pissed earlier. I need to talk to her" he told me so I nodded. "I believe she likes you. I told her to go home and get some rest. Don't stress her out or make her mad, remember that she's pregnant. Please don't hurt my best friend but I will make sure that she talks to you. I promise" I told him so he smiled. "thanks, love you bro" he told me before I hugged him.

I went back downstairs and Tyler was still on the couch playing his phone. I sat next to him and kissed his jawline. "Baby. Not now. After the show" he told me so I smiled. "Jordan don't say that kind of stuff. You're barely legally allowed to date Tyler" mom said so I looked up at her. "I'm eighteen now. Tyler is twenty two. It's legal. I can date him" I told her so she rolled her eyes and walked away. "I better start getting ready for the show" he sighed so I nodded. He stood up then I kissed him. "That's still weird to see" Abby said so I smirked. I kissed Tyler again just to gross her out. "Baby I'm not something you can use to gross out your siblings. I love you. I'll see you at the show" Tyler chuckled before leaving. I looked Abby and laughed. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "The girls are on their periods! They are being moody!" I yelled through out the house and got glares from the girls and laughs from the boys.

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