Tragedy part 1

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"Hey mom what's up?" I asked and she was sobbing "Jordan. Come up here Josh is awake" she said through tears. I looked at Sammy and smiled. "Ok I'll be right up there" I told her then hung up. "Sammy let's go" I told her then we went up to the hospital room.

Josh was taken off the ventilator and put on regular oxygen now. "Josh!" Sammy smiled and began crying. She rushed over to him and he smiled at her. "You're ok. I'm so glad you're ok" she told him and he smiled weakly. "I couldn't leave you and my baby" Josh told her weakly and I smiled. "I'm glad you're ok Josh" I told him so he looked at me. "You were probably more worried about Tyler" he joked and Sammy looked at me. "No, he yelled at the teacher to let us leave and called her a homophobic bitch because he needed to find out if you and Tyler were ok. He mostly was worried about you" Sammy explained then my parents looked at me. "Yeah.  It's true but the principal excused me" I chuckled nervously.

I looked at Tyler and he was sitting up. I smiled and sat next to him. I looked at him before connecting our lips. "I love you" he told me softly. "I love you too" I replied then he started coughing. "Tyler are you ok?" I asked and he shook his head. "We need a nurse!" My mom yelled so a nurse came in and saw Tyler coughing. She walked over and looked at him. I stood there as she put him on oxygen to stop the coughing. "Let me get the doctor to look at you. There isn't any reason for you to be coughing like this" the nurse said so Tyler nodded.

I looked at Tyler and he frowned. "Baby, I'll be fine" he told me in a raspy tone. I nodded and sat back down next to him. The doctor walked in and checked out Tyler. "There's no need for the oxygen. You just got strep throat" he told him and Tyler looked like he was shot. Again. "What? No. I sing. I can't have strep throat" Tyler argued with his voice cracking a lot. "I will give you antibiotics. Don't kiss anyone or share anything you've eaten or drank from with anyone. It's contagious" the doctor said then looked at me. "I won't kiss him" I told him so he nodded before walking off.

I looked at Tyler and frowned. "I can't kiss you for a week" I told him then grabbed his hand. "I may not be able to kiss you but I can still tell you that I love you" he told me with his voice fading. "I love you too Tyler" I smiled then he tried today something but couldn't talk. "Maybe you can't tell me you love me" I chuckled and he frowned at me. I smiled then kissed his forehead. Dang he's got a fever.

I looked over at Josh who was smiling at Sammy. I watched as he kissed Sammy's tiny baby bump. My parents stood their smiling with relief. I'm so glad we didn't lose either one of them. Both Tyler and Josh mean the world to me. Josh is my older brother and I look up to him so much. Tyler is my boyfriend that I love more than anything. I couldn't imagine losing him. It all turned out really well.

>two weeks later<

Tyler and Josh finally got to leave. I missed two weeks of school and so did Sammy but oh well. I have to go back to Ohio now with my family. Tyler and Josh are going to finish their tour so I'm back to missing them both. "I love you baby. Get home safely" Tyler told me before giving me a long passionate kiss. "I love you too. I'll see you in Ohio in two months" I told him so he smiled. I hugged him then hugged Josh before getting on my flight home.

We all got in the car. Mom in the front, dad driving, Sammy and I in the back seat. Dad started the car and began driving home.

Out of no where a huge truck hit our car causing it to roll over. "Jordan! Sammy! Bill!" My mother screamed through tears "mom! Dad!" I cried out in pain. It hurt to try to move. "Jordan don't move. You too Sammy" mom said and I looked over at Sammy who was in tears. "The baby. I need him to be ok" she sobbed then a paramedic appeared. "Ma'am we are here to help you" he told my mom so she looked at him. "Get the kids first. The girl, she's pregnant. Save the baby" mom told him so he looked in the back at Sammy. "Ok ma'am" he told mom then they got Sammy's car door off. They carefully pulled Sammy out of the car then I moved carefully out the door. I stood up and they walked me over to the ambulance. "We are taking you two to the hospital. Your parents will be in the next ambulance" the paramedic told us so we nodded.

"So what's your relation?" The medic asked on the ride to the hospital. "She's my best friend. She's dating my brother and go pregnant" I explained so the medic nodded "how old are you?" He asked her "seventeen" Sammy replied not looking up from her stomach. "I promise that they will do everything they can do save the baby" the medic told her so Sammy nodded. "Sammy don't get too stressed ok?" I told her so she nodded again before calming herself down.

We got to the hospital and they took Sammy inside on a wheel chair. "What's the information?" A doctor asked "female, seventeen, currently pregnant. Car accident. Make sure the baby is ok" the medic told the doctor before they rushed Sammy off. "Sir what's your name?" A nurse asked me "Jordan Dun, I was in the car accident. I'm seventeen. I'm fine I just need to shower that's all" I told her but she was reluctant to let me go that easy. "Let's just have a look to make sure you're ok" she told me so I nodded.

She took me to a private room and started looking at me. she checked all my scrapes and stuff. She looked at my face and into my eyes. "You have gorgeous eyes" she told me so I smiled awkwardly. "Uh, thanks" I replied then she connected our lips. "No, I'm gay. I have a boyfriend" I told her and she frowned "well, seeing that being gay is your only problem. You're good to go then" she told me so I got up and left the room. I sat down in the waiting area doing what you usually do in a waiting area. Wait. I was waiting to hear about my parents or Sammy.

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