15. I haven't seen shortie!

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Anna POV:

As we continued to skateboard on the very, very busy streets of New York City, Dougie, Tom and I almost crashed into one of the crazy bicyclists that ride all around the city delivering food, mail whatever.

"Jesus!! Watch where you're going!" I shout at the guy on the bicycle that didn't know any sense of direction or decency.

He looks back at me and a string of curse words fly out of his mouth and I laugh. Tom, Dougie and I roll our eyes and kick our feet on the ground so we can finally eat our mouths full of delicious pizza.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH AROUND WOMEN!" Dougie yells back the bike guy who was waiting to go with traffic on a green light.

I turn to Dougie and give him a look. "Dude you only address people first in New York. Never make any comebacks. You'll get your ass handed to you on a stick one day from a street vender." I say maintaining my balance as I try my best to skateboard and talk to Dougie at the same time.

"Whatever babe." He says shrugging his shoulders and Tom laughs and fixes his sunglasses so they're on his face, (they almost fell off.)

I put my hands up in defense and said; "I just don't want to see you get jumped right in front of me, that's all."

He smiles and I pay attention to where we are going because god knows Tom and Dougie have absolutely no idea where to go or if I am even brining them to a true pizza place. Little do they know I am bringing them to the New York Port Authority where they have a bunch of outdoor eating places and also where they have awesome beer and music stores. They would get a kick out of it and probably want to buy something for themselves.

"So where are we going?" Tom asks if it were almost on cue as I finished telling you about where we were going.

"New York Port Authority." I say looking over at them waving my hands in front of me like a wave.

"What is that?" Dougie asks furrowing his eyebrows so lines crease between his eyebrows.

"A huge boardwalk thing where there are music stores, beer, and awesome food." I say doing my best duck face.

"Oh so you lied to us about the $.99 pizza?" Tom and Dougie say simultaneously.

I rub my chin in thought. "Not necessarily. I lied about the streets it was on. The pizza place is in the Port Authority," I pause and stop skateboarding and stomp my foot on the end so I can carry my board, "we have to carry our boards now. Unless you want to catch your board on a boardwalk board and fall..." I ramble on and on.

"Anyways, we can like get our pizza and eat on the edge of the boardwalk with our legs dangling off of the edge over the water." I say because I always do the same thing with Sarah when we come all the time.

They both are now carrying their skateboards and looking at me with strange looks. I laugh and bring them over to where all the stores and beer are.

"So when you guys get accustomed to the American way of living, tell me when you want to get some beer and food!" I say waving my hands in front of my eyes because they aren't paying attention to me.

I look across from their eyes, to see what they are looking at and it's the massive guitar and bass store that takes up the entire bottom floor of the Port Authority building. The second floor has a CD and record shop and then the last four floors have food, and other music related stores.

"Guys we can eat first or we can look at the guitars first... what do you want?" I ask , which is stupid because I already know what their answer is.

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