Kyle Hendricks (Chicago Cubs)

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*This imagine is for Maddie*

I was lying on the couch curled up in a couple big fuzzy blankets. I didn't go to the Cubs game today because I told Kyle I didn't really feel like going out today, but the truth was that I actually felt terrible. I had a huge headache and my stomach was very upset. I felt bad for not going because Kyle was pitching today. But I got to watch him pitch every other time.

Kyle was pitching his best game this whole season. He was getting both ground balls and strikeouts. It was towards the end of the game and the Cubs were winning 7-0. I think Joe is going to let Kyle finish up and close out the game himself. And that's exactly what he did. He didn't pitch a no hitter, but he did pitch a shut out. As soon as the game was over I watched Kyle's interview. When that was down I got a text from Kyle saying he would be home in a little bit and he said maybe he would like to go out. I didn't answer his text because I wasn't completely sure what to say. It was another half an hour before Kyle came home.

"Maddie?" Kyle shouted walking in the front door of our apartment. "I'm home!"

I again didn't say anything, but instead just let Kyle find me on the couch.

"Maddie?" Kyle asked confused and concerned. "Are you okay babe?"

"Not... really." I said while coughing in between words.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" He asked with a little sadness in his voice.

"I just didn't want you to worry about me while you were pitching today." I said looking at him apologetically.

"Okay, well I guess we aren't going out." He said getting up and walking away.

I didn't know where he was going, and I didn't know if he was mad or not. I would have followed him, but I was too weak to get up off the couch.

15 minutes later. Kyle came back into our living room with another blanket, two more pillows, waters, and some medicine for me.

"Here, take this baby." Kyle said handing me two pills.

"Thank you." I said drinking water to swallow the pill.

Kyle them picked up the two pillows that he grabbed and put them behind me making me for comfortable. Then he tossed the blanket over me making sure it covered my whole body.

"One for thing." Kyle said walking behind our couch. Just as he said that, I felt him jump on the couch and lay down next to me. I lifted up the blankets to cover him up.

"Better?" Kyle asked putting him arm around my neck.

"Much." I said leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.

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