Christian Yelich (Miami Marlins)

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*This imagine is for Lilla*

"Baby, are you ready to go?" Christian asked me as I was getting ready for our 3 year anniversary date.

"One second!" I said putting the last touches on my outfit.

Christian was taking me to a nice restaurant and somewhere afterwards, which was a surprise. Christian and I were walking out of our house and into the garage to get into his car. Just as he tried to start it, it wouldn't start.

"Great. Just fuckin great." I heard him mumble.

"Hey, it's okay. We can call an uber." I said rubbing his back and pulling out my phone to call an uber driver. But when I did, every uber driver was booked and there would be a 90 minute wait.

"I guess we can just walk." I suggested.

"It's not what I planned, but I guess it will work." Christian said entwining our fingers together and heading towards the town.

As we were waking I rolled my ankle and broke my right heel.

"Shit that hurt." I said rubbing my ankle.

"Baby are you okay?" a concerned Christian asked. "Do you want to go home?"

"No it's okay. It's not that bad." I said taking off my good heel and the broken one so I could walk barefoot.

Eventually, we made it to the restaurant. It was a very high class restaurant and was very expensive. The only way to eat was to get a reservation a week ahead of time.

"Reservation for Yelich." Christian said to the lady at the from desk.

"I hate to say this, but I don't have a reservation under that name." She said sadly.

"I called two weeks ago." He said.

"I'm really sorry." She said scanning the computer.

"Well is there anyway that we could get in?" Christian said pretty much begging.

"No, I'm sorry. We are booked." The lady said. "And can you move over? There are people here who actually made reservations that would like to get it."

"Unbelievable." I heard Christian say under his breath while he turned back to me.

"Well. What now?" I asked grabbing his hand.

"I guess we can keep walking to try and find another place to eat." He said frustrated.

We continued our walk for about another 15 minutes when suddenly it started to rain. Christian and I ran into the building we saw, which happened to be McDonalds.

"Christian." I said.

"Yeah babe." He asked.

"Do you just want to eat here?" I asked kind of laughing.

"Why the hell not? Can't get any worse." He said going up to the counter.

We ordered our food and waited for them to finish making it. We paid and went to find a table to sit at. When I opened my box of 20 chicken nuggets, I only had 7. And my fries were almost completely uncooked.

"Wow. I almost forgot why I don't like coming to McDonalds that often." I said laughing.

We finished eating and waited for the rain to stop. When it finally did, we started to walk home. We walked up the front steps and went to open the door when Christian realized it was locked.

"Hey babe, you wouldn't happen to have a key would you?" He asked nervously.

"Um no... I thought you had it." I answered.

"Well... I don't have one." He said sadly.

Christian tried to call someplace that could unlock our door, but no one was open. It was too late at night. After he said that, I sunk down onto the floor and payed my head against the door. Christian soon sat down with me and put his arm around me.

"Get comfortable. Because I think we are sleeping out here tonight." He said as I payed my head on his chest.

"Happy Anniversary babe." He said kissing my forehead.

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