Chapter 31

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They had squealed with delight when I told them I forgave them. Then, I was engulfed in their arms.

I don't know why I felt like this was was all just a stupid decision that I just made. It was maybe because, I haven't really forgave them. I know I just told them I did, but in my heart, I knew I still didn't trust them.

It was all weird right now. I probably wasn't even going to sit with them at lunch. I just needed space from them.

Then it hit me.

I didn't tell them about Alex. Well, I didn't tell them we were dating.

Should I have? I don't know.

I sigh and lay back down on my bed. It was after school and it was one more week before the day of Homecoming.

Talking about Homecoming, I still haven't decided if I wanted to go, and Alex hadn't asked me to go.

Laying on my bed, I could hear my father and his wife outside discussing something. But after listening to them more clearly, I could make out that they were arguing.

"Well, you never try!" I heard Selena yell.

"What do you mean, I don't. Whenever I'm here, I show them both my attention." My father yelled back.

"Oh, of course you do." Selena said sarcastically. "You give Tiara attention, even if it's only a little."

"Selena, shut up." My father said. "You don't know what your talking about. I care about both of my child."

Ughh!! Why were they arguing about this now?

"Sure you do." Selena snapped. "When your actually home, you barely give her any attention at all. What kind of father never asks to hold his baby girl? What kind of father goes straight to the fridge before kissing the cheek of his baby girl-"

"So your-" My father starts.

"No, let me talk!" Selena cuts him off. "And give her no attention at all. For goodness's sake, you hurt her so much! She's been hurt so much!"

"At least try to build a better relationship with her!"

"You're calling me a terrible father. Don't you think the reason I'm never home, is because I'm trying to taking care of them!" Counter my father.

"Oh that makes you a good dad?!" Selena laughs coldly.

"Shut up, Selena. Stop acting like your not to blame. Stop putting all the accusations on me! Your not no angel in this, Selena. You know you were half the cause for this." My father shouts.

There is silence for a while. Then I can hear the murmurs from my father and the sobs from my Selena.

Without thinking, I walk out of my room. I find Selena and take her hand. Even though I didn't appreciate her as much, I wasn't going to let my sh*tbag of a father hurt or bully her.

I take her to my room as she still sobs.

She sits on my bed and I sit a few inches away from her. She sobs into her hands and suddenly I kind of regret my decision. This is so awkward.

"Listen, Monica," Selena says in between sobs, "I am so sorry. You don't deserve this. You father, he's...."
She breaks off, and starts crying.

I move closer to her, reluctantly.

"Its..okay, Selena." I said awkwardly.

She looks up at me with tear filled eyes then she looks back down, taking deep breaths.

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