Chapter 1: The Meeting

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Just a little author's note, mostly what i write in this chapter is a true experience from my friend. I just adapted it a bit and added some new characters. This chapter is mostly Millie's POV

Millie's POV:

I woke up to my alarm at 5am and grabbed my clothes woke my mom up and got ready. I was wearing the tide tye dye tshirt (picture above), a pair of ripped jeans and some vans.

"Mum, I can't wait. 9 hours to go!!!!!"

"I know your excited Millie," She chuckled, "But you still need to get there so let me called the taxi".

Whilst she did that, i couldn't help but think about later on. I was going to see Nate Parker...

The taxi pulled up and I made sure I had my stuff. I waved goodbye to my mum and she said to stay safe - all stuff mums usually say. When I got into the taxi he asked where I was going because it was so early, I explained everything and had a laugh.

The taxi pulled up and I got out finding about 13 girls already there. I stood in line and text my best friend Catherine. She was coming to the fanfest too but she lived futher away so i said i would save her a spot.

Text message to: KittyCat💗😘
Heyy, i just arrived where are you?? 13 girls are already here

Text message from: KittyCat💗😘
Really?? These girls are serious about this. They better not steal our boys😤

Text message from: KittyCat💗😘
Oh right. Sorry😂😂 i am like 15 minutes away. Bradley held me up telling me to get some good videos of the boys playing. Don't ask 🙄...

Text message to: KittyCat💗😘
Connor asked the same thing 😂😂 and okay i will see you soon. Be quick!

Catherine's elder brother was Brad from The Vamps and mine was Connor from the Vamps. That's how we got to know each other and become best friends. Ever since we started telling our brothers about The Tide and New Hope Club, they wanted to see more of them. I never bothered to ask why but i know they like discovering new talent.

Whilst waiting for Catherine, I thought i would speak to 1 of the 13 girls to occupy myself. I tapped a girl on the shoulder and she turned around. She has long blond hair and was tall. She was slim and had fair skin.

"Hey. So what time did you get here?" I asked not trying to sound awkward.

"Hey, i got her around.. 5:30. I know early right! But my boyfriend dropped me off before having to shoot off," she looked to the ground when talking about her boyfriend.

"Aw really. That's cute. I wish i had a boyfriend. Maybe Nate..." I laughed "No that will never happen"

"Don't doubt yourself. Anything can happen. I was so shocked when my boyfriend asked me out! Considering who he is. By the way i am Cassandra."

"Millie. And who's your boyfriend if you don't mind me asking"

Before she could answer another girl joined our conversation. She was shorter than Cassandra. She had brown hair and had quite a small frame. She was with another girl who looked like her.

"Sorry to interrupt but we overheard your conversation and we agree. How we would love someone from The Tide to date us. I am Beth"

"I'm Emily. And Beth you know I like Reece from New Hope Club!" She contradicted Beth.

"Sorrrryyyy Emily," she laughed, "I would love Drew to notice me but no one notices me." She looked embarrassed to the floor.

"I do," Emily said.

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