Chapter 5: Confrotation

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Here is the proof. Thought I would show you guys. It made it even more special to me because i asked who wanted a video message at London and he replied. Even though James has just got to deal with #Clake now because #Jlake is gone. Blake has moved on. But seriously James knows its banter from #oldladytiders. So who wants an argument. Coming up... xoxo

Millie's POV:

I haven't spoken to Nate in a couple of days. Not since what happened at the restaurant. I knew James was going to do something to ruin my relationship with Nate - my happiness. Everytime I spoke about the situation, I wanted to cry so I met up with the girls in our favourite place - Costa.

"HEY GUYS. WHATS GOOD," Catherine shouted. We all said hi in unison.

"Millie have you heard anything yet?" Emily said to me trying to comfort me but made my eyes water.

"Emily. You dumb cow," Beth shouted to her sister, "You know its a sensitive issue."

"Guys please your going to make her more upset," Cassandra said to the girls.

"No Sandra. Its not them upsetting her," Catherine said continueing to finish her sentence, "Its James. Look she feels like he has defeated her and she can never get her life back."

"I always knew James was a snake," Emily exposed which made us all laugh.

"Look Millie you have to speak to him," Cassandra said.

"No I can't. He will only make it worse and I can't face him right now. Guys lets face it. I can never move on or be with Nate again," I said beginning to cry.

"Mills. Enough crying," Catherine said sternly, "Kleenex has run out of tissues in their warehouse."

"A little harsh," Cassandra whispered.

"No. It has to be said," Catherine snapped a bit, "Mills, you are gonna talk to James TODAY. Then TOMORROW. Your gonna talk to Nate. Your gonna make up, shag, have babies and all is well." I look Catherine in the eyes and knew she wasn't joking.

"Ca-," I was cut off.

"Millie message him. Now." Catherine stared at me in the eyes. So with that message from her. I knew I had to message James. I had him under snake (Emily gave me the idea).

Message to Snake👀🐍:
Look we need to speak about what happened a couple of days ago.

Message from Snake👀🐍:
What happened... Oh right Nathaniel ended it since you weren't being truthful right. Sorry babes...

Message to Snake👀🐍:
Meet me at Costa's now. I am here we need to talk face to face.

He never responded back till a few minutes later.

Message from Snake👀🐍:
5 minutes away.

"Guys. You need to go now. James is 5 minutes away and I need to speak to him alone," I demanded to the girls. On that cue they knew they needed to leave. We all hugged and said our goodbyes. They all asked for me to keep then updated which I said I would. A they started to walk through the door, James walked past them. Catherine was going to slap, punch or do something to him but all girls managed to stop her and just push her through the door.

"Wow. I always told Bradley he needed to keep that girl on a leash," he said directing it to Catherine.

"James. Let speak. You shut up," I said fiercely. He relaxed back into his chair whilst putting his hands up, signalling he would be quiet, "James. You always have to interferre. Whether it was when we was in a relationship. My best friend Catherine. You hated me speaking to her cause you thought she was a bad influence. You never let me speak to any guy not even your own band members! So I split up with you and you still interferre. You won't let me move on! You try and ruin everything. Me and Nate. James. I am telling you. I am speaking to Nate and we are going to move on so deal with it. So please leave me alone. What more can you do?" I finished my piece to James.

"Wow Millie. Nice speech. How long did it take you to write it. Just yesterday since you don't have Nathaniel," He pouted sarcastically. I was going to speak but he hit the table, "MILLIE LISTEN AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I will always be there trying to do something to ruin your life. Your a whore, a slut. Your the worst of all. Let's be honest Millie. You know there is worst I can say. Like why we truly broke up. You little -"

Before he could inslut me again I threw my cup of coffee at him, "You wouldn't dare."

"Try me Millie," James responded back.

I slapped hin round the cheek before walking out. Once I was outside I ran round the corner and stood next to the wall. Panicing. Heavy breathing. I need to speak to Nate tomorrow. Get things on track and tell him the truth before James does and stirs it more.

Hope you liked the argument. And two things. ITS START OF TOUR TODAY! And my phone borke but if there are slow updates you know why. But back to the story a question for the viewers. Who should pay for the coffee. Millie for throwing it or James because it went on him? I will let you answer that xoxo

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