Chapter 15: Tour Day 1, Birmingham

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So sorry guys for not updating but its 2017 now and I wanna finish this fanfic and push out as many as I can this year. So remember, dm me if you want a story about you with any favs written in my bio! Just to tell you. The tour chapters are very important as it links to the ending so read them carefully. Re-read any chapters to refresh your memory and ENJOY!

Millie's POV:

I managed to get away with my mums forged signiture. Nate believed it, Joe believed it, everyone on tour believed it. Everyone but Connor. He knew how against my mum was about me going on tour.

"I just don't get it Mills," He kept saying to me on the bus to Birmingham, "Mum expressed very much how she DID NOT want you on tour," he looked at me confused.

"Maybe we should give Mummy Ball a call and see what she says..." James responded walking inbetween me and Connor.

"No! pleas-" I was about to say before being interupted.

"Guys. Leave Mills alone. 'Mummy Ball'", she quoted, "Said yes. So lets just enjoy the ride to Birmingham!"

"True that guys. Me and Mills will definitely enjoy the ride," Nate said coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Ew. Alright fine. I'll just give her a call after the show," he said before leaving to go toilet.

Catherine's POV:

"Catherine. I swear your family lived in Birmingham. I've always wondered why you never had the brummy accent," Blake said scratching his head.

"Actually, I can do a darn right good Birmingham accent," I attempted which made Blake laugh.

"Sounds Liverpudlin babe," he responded.

"Okay. I do a great Northern accent! But we don't have the same accent cause mum moved to London and had me. For some reason Bradley just had to be different and keep the accent," she said sighing.

"That's because I am the special one sis," he said patting my head walking past.

"Hmm. Sure. Though dad does live in Brum," I said directing her attention to Blake, "But we don't speak to him. I think thats why mum moved to London. To get away from that drunken mess."

"So have you never had contact with him," He asked me.

"Truthfully no. He just always wanted to know Bradley. Probably cause of the fame," I said sadly. Me and Brad have always wished for a dad. Not a drunk mess who would use any excuse to get money. Bradley is know very wary when dad appears because he once gave him some money. A large sum. Next morning, we walked past him on the streets begging for more money. He spent it all on booze...

"Don't worry," Blake said kissing my forehead, "I don't have a dad in my life neither. Our mums seemed to have done a good job."

The bus had taken to a stop. We have arrived at the arena the boys were playing at. Mills and Nate got off holding hand. Emily and Drew linked arms. Cassandra walking next to Levi with George following behind with Tristan next to him jokily holding hand to make him cheerer. It wasn't really working. Besides that, we all seemed to walk into a pair going into the arena.

"About our mums..." I said changing the subject while walking with Blake, "My mum wants to do a big meal, both our families come together. How does that sound," I asked Blake.

Blake opened his mouth to open but an unfamiliar voice spoke instead, "Can your old man come?"

I turned around to see my dad. A drunken mess again! Ripped ragged clothes and looked like he hasn't bathed in months. I stood shocked and upset; he hasn't changed from the last time i saw him.

"Did you come here just for money?!" Brad came storming over, "Heard The Vamps were playing and decided to turn up to see what you could get from us! Nothing. Thats what! You're practically dead to us! And don't come over to Catherine now after never wanting to know her. No one does that to my sister! Especially her own dad!"

Joe must of heard all the shouting and presumed Brad was being harrassed. Security removed our dad. He did nothing apart from spit on the ground and said that was the last time he would try and speak to us. Some dad!

Me and Bradley let everyone else walk ahead, "Are you okay??" He asked me tighly.

"Kinda. I wish he would change. Like honestly. Why do we have such a SHIT dad-excuse my french," I replied angrily.

"Its fine. I feel the same. At least he is out of our life though. So lets ignore him and carry on with this day and tour without worries." He gave me one last hug before walking in the arena with me.

Millie's POV:

During sound check Catherine told me the full story of what her dad did. Me and Nate only watched from afar. I felt bad. I should of stuck up for her.

"Don't worry," She told me, "I'm glad you didn't get involved because otherwise I would of have to listened to his excuses of why he wasn't there and how he would change."

"At least Blake was supportive," I said rubbing her shoulder sympathetically.

"True. He knows everything about my family life now. Well except me being kicked out by mum. I mean we are fine now! She wants to meet Blake and his family," she said excitingly.

"That's great! But tell him. He will be supportive about it. Since its in the past. You should tell him. Keep no secrets." I said honestly to her

"I was thinking tomorrow. Going to the next show. But when are you going to tell Nate about why you and James-" She was cut off by Nate coming behind me again.

"Tell Nate about why you and James what?" He asked me.

"Umm-" I was saved by Catherine.

"Why Millie and James ate Bradley's WHOLE birthday cake 2 years ago. Greedy pigs is why," She laughed a fake laugh.

"Right. Anyway Mills. First shows. Wish me luck," He lent in and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Good luck." I replied softly.

Me and Catherine watched all three of the groups performances dancing and singing all the words together. Emily wasn't feeling very well and Cassandra was still upset over George but vowed tomorrow's show they would sit with us. But all through the performance I kept thinking about my lie to Nate. I need to tell him why me and James broke up. I need to find a good time. But when is a good time on tour...

Millie forgot to mention the lie about her mum not actually giving her permission for tour. But all the drama will be revealed... Xoxo

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