Chapter 10: Activity 3 - Bird watching

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I know you have been looking forward to this chapter sooo much and the activity is obviously one of the best there is xD

Cassandra's POV:

I was so happy to finally be spending some quality time with George. My smithy. I haven't seen him in agess or so it felt. He was always on tour. See that's the difficult thing of being a band member's girlfriend. They are always on the road and you never know what they are up to. Although, I trust George, he is so awkward! He finds it hard to talk to me 46% of the time let alone any other girl. But I was kind of scared. I had news to tell him. I mean I did have like three opportunities but they didn't feel right.

Today me and George got picked by Joe to go bird watching. If only he knew about this terrible experience i had with piegons and a guy named terry - so yeah not a big fan of birds. But it seemed a peaceful activity so the right time to tell George.

I sat on a bench in a park we was assigned to go to by George. I decided to eat some kettle crisps while i was waiting. A couple of minutes after he arrived and sat next to me.

"See. That's the way to make you come quicker, a bag of kettle crisps," I laughed.

"Babe. Don't let my secrets out yeah," I realised what I just said could be taken the wrong way so we both laughed about it. He kissed me on the lips and after exchanged my kettle crisps with a pair of binoculars.

"Hey! My crisps," I pouted at him.

"Joe said we have to each have a pair of binoculars cause we have to draw one of the birds we have seen," he continued, "Plus i am hungry," He said taking a whole hand full of crisps and gulping it down, making me laugh again.

"Babe I can't draw but  I will try," I said to him. At this point he was too focused on his crisps. So I took the time to have a look at some of the birds. I saw a cute little robin I was considering on drawing or a blus tit. All these birds and only one to draw!

"George, I don't know what to draw," I said complaining to him.

He layed down on the bench and stretched his legs on me, "Draw me like one of your french girls," he said as he posed like Celine Dion in Titanic, when Leonardo Dicaprio was drawing her. This made me burst out laughing.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before George asked, "Are you okay Cassandra?" He said whilst getting up and sitting right next to me.

"George. I need to speak to you," I blurted out and gave no thought to what I said next, "I'm pregnant."

George's POV:

My first initial reaction was to get up and step away from her. Cassandra just said to me that she was pregnant. How?! I mean I know how. But like Why. Like I am a 17 year old boy, she is a 16 year old girl. I just started my career and it would already be over. I know its a cruel thing to say but it would give me such a bad reputation. I already had to hide my relationship with Cassandra from our fans - we stay haven't come out! Let alone laying down the, "My girlfriend's pregnant" bomb. And Joe! He might kick me out the band. So many emotions and feelings were running through my mind.

"George say something?!" Cassandra shouted me, bringing me back to reality. It was all real.

She touched my arm and I moved away, "I CAN'T!" I replied.

"What?" She replied sounding tearful.

"I can't, I just can't do this," I ran away from her, the bench. I need to get away. I ran further into the park and sat besides a tall tree and rested my head on it. I started to cry. Everything was happening so quickly I couldn't handle it. I don't know how to be a dad. I can literally just about put my pants on in the morning, let alone be a  dad. I cried quietly for a while before looking at my phone as I recieved a message.

Text From: Cassandra Boo😏💖
Where are you? I need to see you. We need to have a proper talk.

No, I couldn't deal with a proper talk. Not now. Maybe never. I made a rash decision and replied:

Text to: Cassandra boo😏💖
It's over

WOAHHHHH CLIFF HANGER OR WHATT??? Will George accept reality of being a dad. Will he forever try and run from this or will he get back with Cassandra... Xoxo

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