Chapter 9: Activity 2 - Hiking

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So for the next 4 chapters its not going to be based around #mate. Sorry guys, I know but I want to give you a bit of info on what is happening with the other characters. That's why I chose to do the activities. So guys it's #clake now. Ps. Sorry about the picture. I met blake and was so nervous and look a solid 1/10 while bae is rocking the 6/10 look. So i'm sorry guys XD

Catherine's POV:

So Joe decided to put me and Blake in a pair. I mean, it's not like I am complaining or anything because Blake is a fine looking speciman who I don't being with all the time. But, he has kind of annoyed me for the last week or so. I mean since our first date, nothing much as occurred from us. I thought i went good! But he hasn't bothered to do nothing! Have a second date or ask me out. Boys why do I try.

Anyway, we had hiking as the activity. I always said for a date, I would love to go hiking. But obviously Blake won't think of it as a second date. I don't know. Maybe he is shy or nervous but he portrays such a confident person, so why isn't he like that with me.

I arrived at the place we were hiking. It was around 11:00. We were hiking in like a big forest area, i sat on the floor and waited for him to arrive.

Blake's POV:

I was running a bit late because I got caught up doing my hair. I have to get it volumised so its take a bit long. I jogged to the area we were hiking so when I arrived I was a bit flushered.

I reached Catherine and saw her sitting on the ground, starring up at me, "Hey," I said looking back at her, huffing a bit.

She stared back at me, "That's it. Nice one Blake," She gave me a thumbs up.

"What?" I said slightly confused to why she was being  like this to me.

"Well, for starters you leave me here alone, for about 20 minutes because of your poxy hair probably," I felt a bit hurt by this because my hair is not poxy, its nice, "and all you give me is a hi. No hug, no handshake. Nada," She stood up with quite an attitude.

I went to hug her from behind but she responded aggressively, "Don't think about it. Let's just get the hike over and done with," She said as she stormed off leaving me trail behind her.

I don't know what I did wrong. I am at the point when I am so confused and don't know what to do. I really like Catherine. I like everything about her. Her banter, her attitude, she is one of the lads - what more can you ask for! I want to talk to her about it but don't really know how to approach the situation.

Catherine's POV:

Blake just really annoyed me. Maybe he is showing his true colours to me. Maybe he is just an egotistical freak! How do I expect this to go further if he doesn't want to put anything into us, or this! Whatever it is.

I was getting fustrated by Blake at this moment as I was miles in front of him, so I shouted to him, "ARE YOU DOING THIS HIKE OR WHAT," And afterwards whispered, "Jerk."

Blake must of been closer than I thought or ran to me because he appeared behind me and asked, "What did you say?"

"It doesn't matter," I replied.

Blake grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so I was facing him, "No Catherine, you clearly have something you want to say, so say it. No one is here but me and you, so say what you want."

"Blake, I said you was a jerk!" I raised my voice at him which made him take a step back.

"A jerk? A jerk!? I have been nothing but nice to you!" He responded back.

"NICE!?!?" This made me really blow up, "Would a nice person after a great first date never bother to arrange another? Would a nice person never want to call you? Would a nice person never text you? Would a nice person never want to meet up with you?! Should I continue," I asked sarcastically. I could see he was bothered with what I was saying because he kept looking at me in a way in which he couldn't believe what I was saying.

"I think we need to talk," Is all he replied.

"See Blake, this is what I mean. Your an unconsiderate person who don't care about no one but yourself," I said to him.

"Would an unconsiderate person buy you a meal on our first day," he questioned me.

"Big whoop! One time!" I replied saracastically.

"Catherine have you ever questioned why I never asked you on another date? Or for a relationship" He asked.

"Cause clearly you don't like me and don't want to be with me," At this point I was upset with our argument and wanted to get away to clear my head. I began to walk away as Blake grabbed my wrist but I refused to turn around.

Blake began talking, "Look truthfully Catherine. I like you. I like you a lot. It might seem like a generic answer but its true. I love everything about you. I found it so cool how you was the one asking to meet up and call but I was scared. I was scared about the future and what could happen. I was scared I wouldn't be good enough and hurt you. I was scared you would leave me. I want you to be with someone who truly loves you and will always be by your side. Caring and supporting you no matter what. And well, I'm scared I won't be good enough for the job."

What he said really touched my heart. Like genuinely. I do have strong feelings for Blake and want to pursue them. I turned round quickly and hugged Blake tightly. Resting my head in his chest, "If your up for the job, I'm willing to offer you it," I said whispering but loud enough for him to hear.

"Yes," He replied resting his head on my shoulder, "I will do the best job possible."

Guys, i know its cringe but I had to write it xD I mean i hope you enjoyed it, it was fun me writing it xoxo

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