Chapter 3: Contracts

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Before i start this chapter, I want to say I met Blake yesterday and couldn't be happier and can't stop thinking about him. So #clake is real too xD. Enough of that though cause #mateisreal #mateisbetter is more important.

Millie's POV:

After I finished my call with Nate and all us girls fangirled about it. We said good bye to all the girls.

"Aw, I wish you guys could come to the meeting and meet the boys," I said sadly.

"Yeah. I want to see Drew," Beth added.

"I want Austin," Emily added.

"Well, you kept that a secret that you want Corini," Cassandra winked and nudged at Emily.

"Yeah, well after my ex, I need a fresh start," Emily responded sighing.

"Who's your ex," Sandra quizzed Emily, we all looked at her curiously.

"That's another story," Beth interrupted Emily.

"WELL," Catherine shouted, "Changing the subject, I could get you guys in the meeting."

"How? Con said only we can come," I responded to her.

"Yeahhh, but I have Brad wrapped round my little finger and I always get my own way," She laughed.

"That's true, worth a try," I said laughing back.

Brad's POV:
(Bet you weren't expecting that XD)

I was getting ready for the meeting. Me and the boys rented a hall so we could put a big table in and discuss contracts. I was going to have my sister there with Con's sister as they filmed the talent for us.

We was half way through getting the table set up when my phone rang.

"You use to call me on my cell phone," Tristan sang along while doing the drake dance, "A one stand caller??" He wrapped his phone round me.

"Ha ha. I wish Tris," I took hid arm off me so i could get my phone.

"Nah its Catherine," i said.

"Ew. Incest," Tristan laughed.

I ignored him and answered my phone, "Yo Cat. What's popping."

"Bradleyyyyyy," she replied. Whenever she started a conversation or phone call like that I knew she wanted something.

I sighed, "What do you want now Catherine. Money. Blood."

"Nope, can I bring my friends to the meeting. PLEASEEEEE. Look they just want to meet The Tide, New Hope Club and you guys. You guys are the best, come onnnn," she said sweetly.

"But I already told Mills no," Connor intruded.

"Ugh. Con said no Catherine. And what Connor says his final. I am scared of him. Have you seen his biceps," I chuckled down the phone.

"I can fight Connor any day," she laughed, "PLEASEEEEEE. I promise they won't fangirl."

"Catherine please. It's meant to just be..." I was interrupted.

"Meant to be who. Just family. Bradley. They are my family. Just as much as The Vamps. Just as much as The Tide and New Hope Club will be soon, please I won't ask for anymore favours... today," she pleaded.

"Fine. But if I get my legs broken by Conor. Its your fault," I laughed off the joke and ended the call.

"Guys, Catherine is bringing her friends too. But guys I can never say no to my little sis. She would eat me alive," I said.

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