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ANYONE can experience racism, including white people. 

rac·ismˈrāˌsizəm/nounthe belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

This is the definition of racism. Nowhere does it say that only certain races can experience it. If you didn't know, some white people were also enslaved, not just black people.

My white friends get a lot of racism, and they get called stupid for being white. That is racism!!!

Now before you go off and say that I'm a butthurt white person, I'm not. I'm Native American and I am very involved in my culture. Native Americans are still suffering because of what white people did, black people are not suffering nearly as much. Yeah they do get shot for no reason sometimes, but Natives are actually suffering as a group. Drug addiction, alcohol... Seriously? Most Native Americans don't even complain about this when they have a right to because it actively happens every day for them. For black people, they don't usually have this problem.

I know that anyone can experience racism, no matter their past. My mom is also Native, but it doesn't show that much and she looks white because she's 1/8. She's on tribal council, a huge part in my tribe where everyone knows her, and she gets judged all the time for it and gets very rude things said to her, like she shouldn't be on tribal council because she's white. That is fucking racism.

Just had to get this off my chest because of what happened last night with Matt. (Btw it was his friend who posted the picture, NOT him. I know Matt wouldn't do that EVER,)

Comment your opinions, but don't be rude about it or I'm blocking (muting, whatever) you.

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