Jack called Madison a Slut? (Part 2)

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As you guys know, Jack called Madison a slut. I already explained all of that previously and a lot of you guys got mad at me for siding with Jack. I had a feeling there was more to this story, and thanks to Johnson we know more now.

Here is why I can't be friends with anyone who actually is a fan of Madison.

She lied about self harming. You can see in the messages she sent her fans that she wrote in there about how she was cutting, when we all know that she wasn't. She also lied about being physically abused. That is not ok at all.

I self harmed for 5 years. I wouldn't lie about that shit. (Also, tomorrow is officially 1 year clean!) And I was physically abused by my dad. I can't respect anyone who would fake that. It's just disrespectful and rude.

She was behind the leaked audios and played victim the whole time!!! Seriously she's a horrible human being. How can you not see how horrible she is? And someone can RESPECT her for that??

Jack called Madison a slut but J confirmed that Madison has called him equally bad things, and then tried to hide the fact that she released the audio and fake self harmed.

THAT is why I'm on Jack's side.
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