Lyndsay Alyssa (A "YouTuber")

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I feel like this video was totally fake. She seemed genuinely rude based on everything she was saying. Not trying to bad mouth whoever tf she is, but like she was saying how Rupp was rude and shit and then tried to hook up with her like tf?? She has another video where apparently Taylor slept over at her house like I highly doubt that actually happened...

She basically said we can't have an opinion on Madison and if we don't like her that WE are the problem. Like I don't like her for a lot of reasons. I'm not obligated to tell anyone the reasons and it's not like I'm going around being rude and hating on her but I mean, WE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE OPINIONS AND WE ARE NOT THE PROBLEMS IF WE HAVE THEM!!!!!! That's what pissed me off.

Idk she just seemed like really rude all throughout the story and said that Tana, WITHOUT SHOWING ANY FACTS WHATSOEVER, makes up all of her stories and exaggerates them. Like was she there during any of the things Tana's videos are about? No, she wasn't.

She also bad mouthed drunk girls but not the guys. Like I don't care if someone drinks underage. I'm 17 and I've never consumed alcohol before, but I'll probably honestly drink when I'm 18, I'm not gonna lie.

She honestly seemed like a huge bitch. I'm not trying to seem rude but I mean, she acts like if anyone has a different opinion as her that we are the wrong ones. Like fuck to the no, it's an OPINION!!!!!

Ugh I hate her already tbh

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