Jack Called Madison A Slut?

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I haven't heard this audio yet, but apparently Jack called Madison a slut.

I hate Madison and she has been hanging around a lot of guys and kissing them on their cheeks so Jack had a right to get mad. We all don't know what we say when we are mad a lot of the time and can't control it our of anger.

Example- my dad called me a worthless piece of shit on Christmas Eve and he doesn't remember it at all cuz he was mad

Madison got mad and told G not to kiss his FANS on the cheeks anymore a while back but she's allowed to kiss random guys on the cheek??? Yeah ok, lets be pissed at G without knowing everything...

What does hating him even do? Makes you seem stupid for actually trying to bring someone down with another few million people. That's seriously dumb as fuck.

Anyway, that's my shitty review but it's 4 AM and I have yet to sleep! So I may update this better later...

Comment what you think:)

UPDATE: I have listened to the audio!!!

I'm it, you could tell he was drunk. That doesn't excuse anything, but still. He knows Madison is hiding something and that she cheated. I have seen no proof G ever cheating.

Also, I NEVER said this was ok so quit putting words in my mouth, it's hella annoying! Literally I don't know why, but this ALWAYS happens on Wattpad! People put words in my mouth and act like I said something I didn't! Please just stop! I'm really stressed out right now and I could do without this unnecessary drama. Thank you.

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