Relationship/friendship drama with grown ADULTS

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My best friend is homeless and has been sleeping at different houses. He was staying at my boyfriend's house since they are also close friends. He wasn't supposed to stay there anymore because they could get kicked out of the apartment since he isn't on the lease, and has a dog. He knew that, but he was there for a bit as we all hungout, with my boyfriend's sister as well.

This girl, who I thought was ok and didnt have any beef with because I helped her with something really important once, which was like the only time I really talked to her, comes in and saying he was being disrespectful by being there a lot.

She then brought me into it by saying to my guy friend "you and your friend are both being disrespectful." I don't really talk to anyone except my boyfriend and my friends so I don't know why i was brought up, especially since his parents actually like me and don't mind when I come over.

My boyfriend said "if you're talking about her as his friend (points at me) that's my girlfriend and she has no part in this whatsoever so leave her out of it".

Oh, and she thinks my best friend and I are fucking because we are so close, but everyone in that room knows I'm a virgin and would never cheat...

Like wtf this bitch is CRAZY😂😂😂

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