Chapter 9

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(Harry's p.o.v)

Me and the gorgeous Ella went upstairs to choose what she was going to wear for the meal ( that she thought we were going to ) we  were actually going to Guernsey so I could tell my family about me and Ella and so that they could meet her I had been texting my brother Josh about me coming home with Ella and he was the only one in the house that knew about it so it would be a big surprise for us all and I picked out this black and white dress ( top half white with lace over the sleeves and the bottom half was black ) I also chose her cream coloured louboutin's and then Ella got dressed and I went downstairs to meet her when she was coming down. All that was going through my head was panic because I didn't even know if Ella liked flying or if she was going to have a freak when we got to the airport and wouldn't get on the plane or I would have a panic attack just before getting on and then I would make a fool of myself in front of Ella but the thing is when I'm with Ella I don't feel scared or panicky at all because I just look at her and realise that I have all that I need in the world and I didn't need anything else to make me happy because Ella does that enough herself. She came down the stairs looking amazing in the outfit I chose for her with her necklace and ring on also that I went out and got her earlier. I got into Ella's car and told her that I was driving because I didn't want her ruining her louboutin's because she was driving in them. Ella looked over at me and give me the biggest kiss ever it felt amazing because it was the best feeling kissing Ella because when we kiss it just feels like it it meant to be. I had my hand on the gear stick and Ella intertwined her hand with mine over the top and it felt like the best feeling ever. She kept asking me where we were going and I just told her that she had to wait and see because it was a surprise and I didn't want to ruin it for her because I had gone out and bought her all new clothes and a new suit case and stuff so that she did not notice that her clothes had gone missing but what she didn't know is that because she was the best girlfriend ever and I loved her a lot I had ordered her a pair of baby pink Valentino shoes the flat ones with the studs on. We got closer to the airport and Ella started to get suspicious because she knew that their were no restaurants around the airport except from that place that Ella refuses to go back to because that's where her dick of an ex proposed to her and then ran off with her best friend and just left Ella on the streets by herself. We got to the airport and I got out and opened the door for Ella and she was just looking at me like she knew that something was going on but she didn't understand what was going on yet. We waked hand in hand into the airport and I took Ella's case for her to check us in and I made Ella stand away from the counter so that she did not know where we were going . Then we got checked in and we headed up to the duty free area and Ella saw the Victoria secret straight away and she ran the best that she could in heels and I wouldn't go in with her because I thought it was kind of weird so I text her saying that I was going into the SuperDry and I would meet her outside Victoria secret when she had done and she text back saying " okay babe don't worry I'm not gonna buy anything to crazy 🙈❤️🌍💙😘👫" . I text her straight back and we were texting each other while looking round the shops because we missed each other so much I finished in SuperDry and text Ella asking her where she was and she said that she was just paying and she would be out in a minute. I seen her walking out in her dress and heels with a huge bag full of Victoria secret products then I handed her a SuperDry bag with some clothes that I had just bought her because it wasn't very comfy sitting on a flight with a dress and heels on so I put a pair of burgundy superstars (custom made with a EJ on the back of one and a HL on the back of the other ) and then some clothes from SuperDry and my legendary blue sweater and then she went into the bathroom and I went to get ready myself I thought to myself " HARRY ARE YOU READY !!"

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