Ch. 9 - The cat is out of the bag

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The Black Cat, King of the Ring, Tamer of all lands, felt as poor as a beggar outside a grand castle.
It wasn't like he expected something from her. It wasn't like he expected her to love him.
He just... expected a more subtle way to tell him "no" other than completely ignoring him.

And so, the Breakdancer walked home with his mask-makeup half-off & smudged, his forehead dripping sweat, and his ballet clothes draping over him uncomfortably, as he had no time to properly change(because of lack of time).
It was 47 minutes after his curfew, and his father had probably arrived. He hoped that this time he wouldn't take away Adrien's right to a few hours to "hang out with friends" after ballet class. It was the middle of break! He had nowhere else to see his friends but in ballet class– and in the ring, but his father didn't know the latter.
The heavy, pearl-colored door opened, screaming the sound of old.
"Adrien." His father addressed him from atop the stairwell, looking down at him with grave disappointment.
"Yes, father," What was supposed to be a question came out more as a response, for our protagonist already knew how this conversation would unfold: His father would complain about Adrien's horrible time management and then he would order the latter to go to his room.
"Why are you late now?" Mr. Agreste slowly climbed down the stairs, his bony, ivory hands softly caressing the ebony railing. "Was it a cat that was stuck in a tree?"
His stern look penetrated Adrien's confident eyes and turned them to pleading ashes, facing the floor.
As Adrien gripped his ballet bag tighter between his fists, his father reached the bottom of the steps, towering above his own son like a hawk.
"Was it a black cat? Did he get caught doing things he shouldn't be?" Mr. Agreste asked, stone-cold.
Adrien's hands squeezed the handle of his bag so hard his knuckles turned white. His chin rose, to show his father tear-stained eyes and sweat-stuck hair. Adrien took a deep breath and said, in one swift move.
"Your need for money and appraisal cannot control me, you will not be able to make me do things I don't want to from his moment on!"
The cat was out of the bag. His father knew about Chat, and he obviously disapproved. There was no need in hiding the secret now, the only secret that needed to be hidden for now was him.
Adrien Agreste, a run-away.

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