Day 2: Part 1

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Well hi there! My number for the penpal game is 24, so we're partners. So how to start is your life going? Feel free to talk to me about anything, I don't bite.


Lucy read over her letter. I don't know if this is the right way to start this, but I'll give it a try Lucy thought, smiling.

With her letter in hand, Lucy stepped out of her apartment. A chilly breeze greeted her, gently whisking scents of newly baked bread along her face. The sun was beginning to rise, the late September sky hued with violet and golden rays.

Lucy happily walked towards the guild hall, ready for whatever the day was going to bring. Or, at least she thought she was ready.

Before Lucy's hand could grasp the handle of the door to the guild hall, Natsu slammed it open, knocking his teammate over. "Lucy, beat Gray up for me he keeps on touching my hair!" He complained.

Lucy giggled, everyone in the guild knew of Grays huge crush on Natsu, except for Natsu himself.

Gray walked towards where Natsu and Lucy stood, wearing nothing. He grinned widely as he saw Natsu glaring stubbornly at him.

Without waiting for whatever Gray was planning next, Lucy ducked into the guild hall.

The tables were back to their normal positions now. Laughter and the occasional yell filled the hall with renewed happiness. Lucy smiled as she made her way over to the mail slots, finding the one labeled 24/13. She placed her letter in the slot, hopefully glancing down to see it her partner had written one for her.

The slot sat empty, and Lucy's heart sank some. Well, they'll probably write sooner or later, she thought.

Lucy looked around the guild hall, with Natsu and Gray flirting we probably won't go on a job today, she thought. Lucy spotted Levy, Lisanna and Juvia sitting together at a table, and headed over to them.

"Hey!" Lucy grinned at her friends.

"'Ey Luce!" Levy and Lisanna greeted her.

She took a seat next to Levy, across from the other two girls. Lisanna and Juvia looked awkwardly at each other while Levy pushed further into her book. "Hey, are you two alright?" Lucy asked Lisanna and Juvia.

"Um, uh, yeah-ah, thanks for asking," Juvia stuttered, her face blooming into a color as bright as Erza's hair.

Lucy looked down at the table. It's obvious they don't wanna talk about it, whatever it is, Lucy thought, it was probably just Juvia gushing to Lisanna about Gray.

Even after the guild had disbanded, Gray and Juvia had stayed close. Or, at least as close as they already were, which meant that Juvia was still just as in love with him as she was before the disbandment.

"Lucy, have you read this book?" Levy asked her, filling the uncomfortable silence.

Before Lucy could answer, a pack of wild guildmates ran into the hall. The group split into two separate groups, who glared at each other.

The first group contained Natsu and Happy, his cheerful blue exceed. The second group was Gray in the lead, Elfman, Erza, and Gajeel. "You made the bet, Natsu, so you have to keep it," Gray triumphantly smiled at his crush.

Natsu glared at him, "No."

MiraJane walked over to where Lucy and Levy sat. "What's happening?" Lucy asked her blue eyed friend.

"Apparently," Mira began, "Natsu and Gray made a bet that if Natsu could successfully sneak into Erza's room, Gray would allow to Natsu to beat him up. But if Natsu didn't succeed, he'd let Gray do whatever he wanted with him for an hour."

"And of course Natsu thought he wouldn't loose." Lucy sighed. "So I assume Gray won?" 

Mira nodded enthusiastically.

"C'mon Natsu you were the one who suggested we bet. So you have to keep your promise," Gray continued smiling at the flame brain.

"Natsu," Erza growled as she transitioned into I-will-kill-you-if-you-don't-do-what-I-say mode.

Natsu pouted and glanced at Erza before admitting to defeat. "Fine."

Gray walked up to the pink haired boy and hugged him tightly, his arms snaking around Natsu's waist. Natsu's eyes went wide, full of astonishment and wonder. Then it seemed that he remembered that he hated Gray, and pouted.

Gray released the shorter boy as he took Natsu's hand in his and lead him outside. "We'll be back soon," he waved to the rest of the guild.


For the rest of the day, life in the guild was peaceful. Lucy and Levy talked about books they were writing. Eventually Lisanna and Juvia went to eat dinner; Juvia blushing at Lucy as she said 'bye.' People milled around the mail slots, inserting letters into their partners slot and checking if they had received a letter.

As the sun began to set, Lucy prepared to leave the guildhall. She had made her way halfway out of the guild, but realized that maybe there was a letter for her. Probably not, Lucy thought, saddened a little. But I might as well check...

Lucy headed towards the mail slots, looking for a letter in her slot. In slot 24/13 sat an envelope something written on the front: For 24.

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