Day 2: Part 1: Natsu/Gray

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A/N: this did not turn out how I thought it would but there are feels so I guess it's ok. This is part of what happens during the hour that Gray has with Natsu. (I thought it would end up as smut but you might need a box of tissues while reading sorry).

Gray dragged Natsu out of the guild hall by his hand. "Let go of me you stupid popsicle," Natsu growled.

"Ha you agreed with my bet so you're mine for an hour," Gray wrapped his arm around Natsu's shoulder.

Natsu pouted, squirming under Gray's arm. In return, Gray pulled Natsu closer, now embracing him with both arms. "You know you're not gonna be able to escape," Gray whispered to Natsu, their heads close together. "Aww, Natsu, are you blushing!?" Gray asked the other boy.

"No I'm not," Natsu said angrily, his face bright pink, "we're in the middle of the street, get off me! This is public humiliation!" At the end Natsu was almost yelling, a lone tear dripped onto his cheek. No not here, Natsu thought, damnit now I'm crying in public and because of the idiot iceface.

Gray turned tense. He released Natsu and dragged him into an alleyway. "Natsu," he began more gently, "why do you hate me?"

Natsu looked at Gray in shock. I don't actually hate you, but it's easier for me to hate you than to love you. "I don't hate you," he mumbled.

"Then why do you always push me away?!" Gray asked, emotion leaking into his voice, "you even started crying a minute ago so you must hate me!"

No, Gray, you don't understand! I thought you hated me! "I don't want to hate you," Natsu mumbled "but I don't know how to love anyone."

More tears started spilling down Natsu's face; gray probably thinks that I'm stupid and pathetic now. He would never want to be with someone like me anyway.

Gray stared at Natsu. The boy he had loved since he was a kid. Crying. Because of him. He stepped towards Natsu, wiping away the tears.

Natsu glanced up and sniffed as Gray started petting his spiky, strawberry hair. "Natsu, I can show you a trick to show that you love someone," Gray said softly.

"Hmm? Sure" Natsu sniffled, wiping a hand over his face.

Gray touched Natsu's chin as he leaned down. He gently kissed Natsu, hoping desperately the other boy wouldn't pull back.

When Gray did pull away, Natsu tried to glare at him, but with his cheeks so bright pink it only made him more adorable.

Natsu hugged the taller boy. Maybe loving someone isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

A/N; well that escalated quickly but yeah I hope it was ok-ish. Thanks for reading my story so far!

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